Long time marketer Justin Wheeler has just created a Wordpress plugin called Easy FanPage Design. This plug in allows you to create professional looking Facebook fanpages...quickly and easily.
Creating fanpages for fun or for profit has never been easier.
Facebook is HUGE.. and it gets bigger on a daily basis. Large and small businesses alike need an internet presence. It does not matter if you are a HUGE corporation or a small mom and pop shop... having an internet presence allows people to connect with you quickly and easily.
Having both a website and a Facebook page is the BEST... but if you had to choose between the two, the Facebook page would be the better choice.
Small business would benefit greatly by having a Facebook page, they would be able to post daily specials, give directions and display business hours, are just a few things that come to mind.
Facebook fanpages for schools, clubs, churches, ect... are all a great way to keep connected.
Once someone “Likes” a fanpage, every message, every link, every anything you post to your page shows up in your fans’ news streams so they—and all their friends—can see and click on it...so fan pages can quickly go viral!
When you have both a blog or website "AND" a Facebook page you can easily post on the Facebook page about the new post you just put on your blog/website.. there we go with that viral thing again... Gotta love how all this works together.
Now I don't want to get all tecky here but I LOVE to talk about those Google Spiders... they love good original content.
If you were to post to your blog and then post that URL on your Facebook fanpage, those hungry Google spiders would crawl all over not just your blog but also all over your Facebook page. Are you getting the BIG picture here about how important it is to have a Facebook fan page?
Let me give you an example, My partner and I have a website, Tops in hCG Drops. We also have a Facebook fan page also about hcg liquid diet drops, they both work together.
Creating Facebook fan pages for yourself or for others is a great way to put extra money in your pocket. Not only would you be able to build "Your Own Targeted List" but if you made fan pages for others you would be able to charge them a fee to do so.
Most people think they don't have the time or there would be to much to learn to create their own Facebook fan page... just don't tell them how easy it really is to make GREAT looking Facebook fan pages when you use Easy FanPage Design.
Here is another pointer on how to make money also... do you know how to market/promote? Those same people who are to busy to make their own Facebook fan pages are probably to busy to promote it too. Offer to help them promote it for them for a fee and earn an extra income from that as well.

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