I have to admit that this technology had me intimidated for a long time, I stayed clear of screencasting because i can be technologically challenged at times. I like to think I'm bright but some of the easiest tasks can be a daunting experience for me, I get frustrated and put it on the back burner and by the time I go back to it its obsolete.


I got this site from Philippe on APSense and the ease of this program is amazing, they must have had me in mind when they created it. Now I see how important screencasting is, its a variation of a Powerpoint presentation. You have audio, full control of the mouse and the links on your screen are clickable.


The best part is that this is all FREE, like anything else you can upgrade if you like but in this case its not necessary unless you have a staff. I strongly suggest that you stop by the site and take a look around. If you decide to join and use it make sure you open another browser for the site you want to create the screencast on after you click record, I was stuck on that for awhile.






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