Update: this article was written to be used as a demonstration for the "how to write an article" video I created. The information is valid, I hope, but to get complete info on the topic, please read Cheryl's article instead.

APSense now has a terrific new feature at APSense. It called the business page. The Pro and Premium members can create one. I won't describe what it is here. If you want to know more, you have 2 choices:

1) The RevPage written by Cheryl:

APSEnse Business Pages

2) You can also read the APSense Wiki article about business pages. In it you'll find a video where I demonstrate how to create a business page.

Now, I get to the point of the article, i.e. what is NOT a business page.

APSense expects us to create a business page if and only if we own a business. This rules out:

- MLM distributors
- Affiliates

You have to have a website, and to either offer a product or service. If you are not sure that what you consider your business fits the bill, you can ask the admins of APSense, they will be more than happy to answer you.

Remember, if you want to find partners, team members, or create Joint Ventures, I believe the APSense business pages are the place to be.

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