I don't know a lot but I can tell you from experience that Network Marketing is not for the faint of heart. Its probably one of the hardest things you'll ever do in your life. You'll normally find that out when you hit the famous wall we all hit at some point in time. What's the wall? Its when you're working like a dog and nothing you seem to do is working and you want to play the blame game, you'll want to blame the Guru's, the system you're using, the industry and anything else you can drum up. If you stay long enough you'll find out that the problem is none of these things, the problem is YOU. Below are a few tips that may help you in this Fantastic Voyage called Network Marketing.


1. Marketers will flap their lips 24/7, but their actions won't lie.


2. Go to Paypal and cancel all that crap you're not using but paying for.


3. Check your debit or credit card for things that are useless and you're paying for and cancel.


4. Try to pay for things with PayPal if possible, its easier to cancel automatic payments.


5. Download Skype.


6. Join powerful sites and forums that give you link love.


7. Keep your profiles up to date on all your networks.


8. Don't allow Mobile Marketing to intimidate you, what human's create, human's can figure out.


9. Who say's you have to reach for your credit card just because you see something you like? Check to see if they have an affiliate and test, test, test.


10. Stick with whats working.


11. Check out Google's free keyword tool, just guessing at keywords is a serious mistake.

Feel free to Skype me anytime if you need more assistance and I promise not to insult your intelligence with sales talk unless you're curious about what I'm doing.




Skype: paul.hines7


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