I'm under the impression that we as Marketers and business owners have a responsibility to our customers, it can't be just about money, money will come if you help enough people get what they need as far as Zig Ziggler believes and I totally agree. There has to be a Mental Marketing Shift in my opinion and we all have one, there's no way we can continue with the old ways of marketing that were so successful in the past. People are too computer literate and the information age has arrived, they can see game coming from a mile away. I didn't invent this concept, I just took what was already there and expounded on it. What is Mental Shift Marketing you ask? All it is is awareness marketing and respecting people. Who likes to feel like they're being pressured, lied to or tricked into buying something? I know I don't.


What's so hard about treating people like they have some gray matter left in their heads? What's the problem with being transparent? Why can't you tell me the whole story? Why didn't you tell me I had to upgrade every week? Why didn't you tell me I had to buy this or that in order to get the best benefits from your program? Did I really give you my credit card information? OMG. It goes on and on, I'm tired of hearing horror stories about the weasels in the industry so I acted and came up with my Mental Shift Marketing concept. What would happen if I were totally transparent? I wouldn't get as many sales because I refuse to play the game but I could educate a few people and raise their awareness and put my link at the bottom of my posts and if they learned something from me and gained trust they would naturally be curious about what I'm involved in.


The sales process is slower, but this way I get a more educated consumer than a confused one and in my book that's worth its weight in gold. People are waking up to all these talking heads and realizing that most of them are just lying to make a sale, anybody can recruit but not everybody can get them to stay in once they recruit them. Never forget that the weasels stay awake day and night figuring out ways to get to your credit card, relax and take your time because if you want a taste of what Hell is like, try dealing with identity theft, try dealing with a company that will ignore your repeated requests to stop payments, if you can contact them once you've joined that is.


If you already have a business and want to go in another direction with your SEO and Marketing and its in your budget feel free to contact us, I'll have someone call you to evaluate your marketing needs.



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