By Anil Gupta

1. RSS Icons On Prominent Positions
The biggest mistake lots of bloggers make is that they don?t show RSS icons on

prominent positions on their blogs. You should aim at showing your RSS icon and

email subscription form above the fold on your blog or even in your blog header

section. Make sure RSS Subscription facility should be available on all of your

blog pages and RSS icons should be professional looking.

2. Subscription Process Should Be Small
You should keep the subscription process as small as you can and should ask readers

to fill minimum fields. No one loves to follow long process and filling too many

fields when subscribing to a blog.

3. Regular Content Coming
You should make sure that you blog publish new content on daily basis and if

possible 2-3 posts per day. Readers on your blog always love new content coming on

the topics of their interest.

4. While Commenting On Other Blogs
Lots of bloggers comments on the blogs of their interest to build traffic, for

backlinkng and for building brand for their blogs. You can think of using your RSS

Feed URL in place of your website URL to send additional traffic to your RSS feed

so that additional number of people can subscribe to your blog RSS feed.

5. Offer eBooks As Gift Of Subscription
Lots of bloggers write an ebook around the topics their blog reader?s interest and

offer it as a gift when their blog readers subscribe blog RSS Feeds. You can get

hundreds and even thousands of subscribers to your blog by creating an ebook for

your blog readers and offers it for free to your blog readers as a freebie when

they subscribe to your blog RSS.

6. Providing Quality Content
Most importantly, you should aim at proving quality content on your blog. You

should focus on adding content related to your blog niche and don?t publish off

topic content on your blog as in that case you are taking risk of losing some of

your existing subscribers.

7. Showing Your Current RSS Subscribers Count
You can think of showing your RSS Feed Subscribers count on your blog if you have

decent number of subscribers to your blog right now. Higher number of subscribers

on your blog will motivate others to subscribe to your blog. But there is no use of

showing RSS Feed Counter if there are very few subscribers to you blog right now.

You can show your current RSS subscribers counter using FeedBurner services.

8. Using Guest Blogging
People use guest blogging for driving additional traffic and for their brand

recognition in the blogosphere. So while submitting your guest post to other

bloggers in your niche, make sure you provide the best of your work so that your

guest post get accepted and people actually click on your website links after it

gets live. You can even think of adding a link to your RSS Feed as part of your

Author Bio in the guest post.

9. Blogging Communities
Add your blog to some of popular blogging communities created in your niche and be

active in the discussions going on those communities. Lots of users in these

communities will be interested in visiting your blog and some will even subscribe

to your blog RSS.

10 Be Active On Discussion Forums
If you have a blog created around seo, blogging, money making or related topics, go

and find out some discussion forums created around these topics and actively

participate in the ongoing discussions there. Most of discussion forums will allow

you to place a link to your website or even your RSS Feed in the signature section.

So your links will be available on all threads you reply to or you start.

11. Including A Tag Line With Each Post
You can think of including a tag line at the end of each post on your blog. This

will serve as a reminder to those people who read any of your blog posts. From

there, they will be able to subscribe to your blog RSS or can follow you on Twitter

without searching for your website header, sidebars etc for subscription links and


12. Hold A Contest On Your Blog
Offering freebies or contests will going to remain popular in the blogosphere to

get some targeted action from your blog readers. So if you have a high traffic

blog, running a blog contest where you are supposed to give some prizes to the

winner of contest will help you increase your website subscriber?s by even

thousands overnight.

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