On the Internet I am known as JavaJoan.  My real name is Joan (go figure) and my passion is all about health.  Let me tell you my story.

I married the man of my dreams in 1960 and had three wonderful kids, two boys and a girl.  We loved the country and had a hobby farm where we raised chickens, had a litter of piglets and a calf.  There was always a cat and dog in our lives and planting a garden was the highlight of seeing winter pass by and the warmth of the sun thawing the earth to make way for planting our favorite veggies.  Life seemed perfect back then until health problems started overtaking our family and bringing heartache and hardship that put a real strain on everyone, including the children. 

My husband and I were refinishing furniture for a living and we were in very toxic chemicals.  One cold February my husband returned from working out of town on a job and went to the barn to feed the piglets.  On returning to the house he collapsed and I knew something was desperately wrong.  I was able get an aspirin down his throat and between myself and the children we got him into the car and I rushed down an icy road over 100 miles an hr. to get him to the family doctor.  We lived far out in the country and there was not enough time to call the ambulance and wait for it to arrive.  I called the doctor in advance and he called the ambulance to come to his office.  To make a long story short my husband had a massive heart attack and it was touch and go for days at the hospital but he pulled through only to die of colon cancer 10 years later.  After his death his two sisters died from the same disease.  What our family went through was a nightmare.  Misdiagnosing by doctors caused me to lose much respect and confidence in the medical profession.  Later  I remarried and less than six months after marrying I also faced life threatening surgery that left me with a compromised immune system and failing health.

This change in my life started me on the search for alternative health measures to build my immune system and help me get the quality back in my life.  My doctors told me my problems were chronic and I would just have to live with poor health for the rest of my life but I was not willing to accept that.  I went on a six year search for something that would work for me and help me get my health back.  I tried many supplements and nutritional products and some of them seemed to work for awhile but then lost their effectiveness.

One day a close friend of mine introduced me to a product that completely turned my life around and I have taken it faithfully for seven years now and am still experiencing the same amazing benefits that I did when I began to use this life changing herb, Ganoderma Lucidum, the Reishi Mushroom.   One of the lessons in life and health that I have come to appreciate is this.  Life is a gift from God and one to be cherished and nurtured.  Our bodies need maintenance and fine tuning just like our cars and we need to practice preventative health care if we are to keep our bodies healthy.  My passion is to reach as many people as I can to share my story and help them to live healthier lives.  You can see my before and after pictures and listen to the video of my journey back to health by going to http://organojavajoan.com

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