If the Shoe Fits
To be honest with you there is a plethora of ways to make money on the internet. I think most of the programs and products displayed on Apsense are capable of bringing home a paycheck. I think all internet programs require the same things.
Passion- If you are not passionate about what you are selling, or doing then you can not relay that enthusiasm to potential prospects. If you are unsure of or not 100% with a product you are doing then try something different.
Hard work- There are allot people out there trying to ride waves. The thought is that a program is new that, they think, they have a chance to make money quickly by referring people without even knowing if it pays or not. Then their reputation is damaged by broken promises. Stick to what you know and love. The internet is not easy blog, market and traffic, relentlessly, and eventually you will have a nice income.
Without the above two things I believe that you will give up your venture quickly. There are many choices, try many of them, find the one you are passionate about and settle down for the long haul. If the shoe fits.....wear it.