
Income Stream 1:
INSTANT Payments On Your Own Personal Sales.

$25 $5 $5 $5 $5 $2 $3
$50 $10 $10 $10 $10 $5 $5
$100 $20 $20 $20 $20 $10 $10
$250 $50 $50 $50 $50 $25 $25

Free members start to earn after they have $50 in qualify sales!

Income Stream 2:
INSTANT Payments On The Sales of Your Team Members (4 Levels Deep)
You Get Paid on 4 Levels down!
You sponsor Tom and he sponsors Kim, you get paid. Kim sponsors James, you get paid! And so on down 4 levels!

Income Stream 3:
INSTANT "Roll Up" Bonuses
Sales from people in your downline who are not high enough qualified(membership level) will generate you extra payments as the difference between their and your level is rolled Up to You.

Income Stream 4:
INSTANT "Pass Up" Payments On The 1st Sales of Each of Your FREE Team Members.
Free members are MORE THAN WELCOME! And here's why...
A free member needs to make $50 in sales in order to Qualify...well those $50 in sales Come To You!
This is also Very Powerful!

Income Stream 5:
INSTANT "Upgrade" Payments When Team Members Upgrade Their Membership!
If someone joins at a lower level and wants to upgrade later()Trust me They Will) then they have to pay the full higher membership level and this is another sale for You.

Income Stream 6:
INSTANT Potential Bonus Pool Payments

Get In Line And Get Paid!
A part of every upgrade sale is used to pay the next person in line.
You don't have to do anything but join and upgrade to start getting paid from this income stream. Join Now

Marvin Williams

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