Get Rich Quick? No Such Thing - Build a Strong Business With a Strong Foundation

by Joe Krarup


There is no such thing as get rich quick. More and more people are looking at ways to make money online, whether they are stay at home mums, or people who want to subsidise their income. The problem with this is that there is so much choice, and most of them are scams or get rich quick schemes.

A scam is a scam, and there is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme, or we'll all be rich right? You may win the lottery, but even then you may have been playing for 10 to 15 years! That's why it's called a lottery, and like most online businesses most of them are a lottery.

All those "gurus" making $1000's in their first week then $10,1000's in their second week, you know what they say. If it's to good to be true, it generally is just that, to good to be true.

The only way to build a solid long lasting online business is to be patient, plan and build like any traditional business. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day! By doing this you will build a strong foundation, a major cornerstone for any business. The other major problem with get rich quick schemes, is that they are over very quickly, as people find they don't get results they soon quit. There is no foundation for the business and it is full of false hope. Remember most business don't see a return for up to 5 years! How can you expect to make $1000's in your first month?

By slowly building a strong business with strong foundations, and most importantly owning your own business, not relying on your upline or downline, you will have success for years to come.

Once you have your online business model, you will then experience the snowball effect. Once you get the snowball effect, your on your way. You can build a strong online business which you own and are in complete control of, you make the decisions, you grow the business. No reliance on other people.

Don't go down the get rich quick road, stick to the tried and tested traditional way of building a business online, plan and be patient and I promise you will be successful.

? Joe Krarup, All rights reserved.

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