Ning Network:

The system has 2 parts, the product which is top quality responsive advertising & the backend which is our revolutionary never done before income generation system. This is designed by us from the ground up and tested until breaking point so we can absolutely guarantee you will make money from the system itself on top of the benefits the advertising will bring you. It really is a truly awesome system! We are so excited about what the back end income generation system can do for you, we even find it hard not to lose focus of the fantastic product itself. So without further ado we'll cover this right now!

  This effective advertising can be used to promote any of your current business opportunities although once you see the potential of our backend income generation system you might very well lose interest in much of your current promotions! Nevertheless this is quality advertising and will surely explode your income, sales & signups outside of this system for all your existing opportunities. Your ad packages are added to your account over and over every week for as long as you remain a member. We're confident that once you experience the true power of our ad packages TAGM will become your primary advertising resource.

 We have chosen the highly popular 2x2 matrix requiring only 6 positions to fill in order to cycle and get paid as this enables everyone to earn and to earn quickly. However, the most important thing to understand is that the TAGM system is different to any 2x2 matrix you've ever seen before. It's our own Revolutionary Continuous Flowing 2x2 Progressive Follow Me IG System with guaranteed placements and believe us, it's going to set the Internet on fire!


 Ning Network:

The TAGM system has 6 levels; Bronze, Silver, Gold, Titanium, Platinum & Diamond. As you cycle at each level you are given a free re-entry back into a new matrix at the same level you just cycled so you can continue to earn at that level while also earning at the higher levels too. Not only that but we take the 2nd cycle payment to fund your entry into the next level so you never have any additional out of pocket expenses to progress to the higher paying levels! You can work your way all the way to the top level of Diamond this way! This automatically increases your earning potential higher and higher as you progress. By the time you reach the top level you will be earning simultaneously on all 6 levels! In addition, every fourth cycle payment is automatically reinvested to provide for overflow and matching bonus payments as explained below but this is only necessary at the Bronze, Silver & Gold level. For Titanium, Platinum & Diamond the 4th cycle payments are paid as normal with all the others. To see how this works and to see how powerful this makes the system we need to explain the levels and payouts for each level:

 Bronze = $10 Silver = $25 Gold = $60 Titanium = $120 Platinum = $240 Diamond = $480 Your matrices can be filled either by your personal referrals, spill over from your upline, spill under from your referrals or the real big twist, by our guaranteed matrix placements. What are guaranteed matrix placements? Guaranteed matrix placements occur every week, week in week out and are given to everyone regardless of how many positions they have already filled. The TAGM system guarantees that one position in your current incomplete bronze matrix will be filled each and every week without fail every week you are a member. The effect this has blows all other matrices away! This ensures everyone, yep EVERYONE! will fill their matrices no matter what and by the same token forcing everyone to cycle and thus guaranteeing everyone earns. This sets us aside from all other matrices as with our matrix not only are you guaranteed to cycle but so are all your referrals, as are their referrals, as are their referrals referrals and so on all the way down a far as you can go! This is simply massive and is the key around which the success of the system is built. This will have a massive effect on everyone’s earnings throughout the entire system. This makes TAGM the absolute easiest program to promote as it offers guaranteed cycling and guarantees 100% of all referrals will earn their sponsors matching bonuses. Anyone who has ever been in a matrix program with matching bonus will understand how massive this is! No more watching 95% of your referrals inactive and earning nothing! 100% of your referrals will earn and that means you will get matching bonuses from TAGM for every single one of them! No more being left behind, everyone will cycle, everyone will earn!


 Ning Network:

  Bronze = $5 Silver = $10 Gold = $25 Titanium = $60 Platinum = $120 Diamond = $240 Now remember this is guaranteed! With other programs you earn matching bonuses "IF" your referrals cycle which in reality for most simply doesn't happen. With us you earn matching bonuses "WHEN" your referrals cycle and they will, our system guarantees it! So say you have 10 referrals, that means you know you will earn 10 x $5 = $50 at the bronze level in addition to your own cycling earnings. Remember this $50 is worst case scenario based on just 10 referrals. At the higher levels this would be even more: $100 for Silver, $250 for Gold, $600 for Titanium, $1,200 for Platinum & $2,400 for Diamond! We're sure your beginning to see how massive this is going to become! So, our guaranteed placements alone, at the rate of one per week for every member, will result in every one of your referrals cycling at least once every 6 weeks, even if they never refer a single person themselves or receive ANY spill over or spill under whatsoever. AWESOME! Of course in reality, with all the cycling going on, they couldn’t possibly not get spill over or spill under! And because our system is so appealing they will also easily fill some of the 6 places required to cycle with their own personal referrals. Why wouldn't you pass the opportunity round when it guarantees you will earn and is working for you right in front of your eyes! Imagine how quickly this could grow when your referrals sponsor just one or two of their own in addition to the spill over & spill under positions and on top of the guaranteed placements. All your referrals would be cycling at bronze in just 2-3 weeks instead of 6. That would effectively & immediately double your matching bonus income over just the guaranteed placement earnings from $50 in 6 weeks to around $100 per month or more & that’s just at the bronze level! Again this is just a conservative estimate. Given the power and appeal of this system there is no reason whatsoever why your referrals wouldn't easily refer more than just one or two! Now consider the effect that all this cycling at the bronze level will have to cycling at the higher levels! Every time your referrals cycle at bronze they move one step closer to cycling at silver, gold, titanium, platinum and diamond and when they do you will also collect the matching bonus for that level too, again that’s guaranteed! And this should happen amazingly quickly too! The above example was based on just 10 referrals but imagine if you had 20 or 30 or even 50! In other matrix based programs this would be a tall order for all but the real big guns but this is totally possible for everyone with our system. What better than a matrix that guarantees you will cycle, your referrals will cycle and you will earn from it all. Why would anyone not want to join faced with this potential?

 We're sure at this point you are beginning to wonder how expensive membership is! We certainly would be. So, what is the cost of this amazing system? At this point you really do need to sit down as you're about to be blown away! The total cost of TAGM system is only $5.75 per week ($5 + 75c AlertPay fee) which is far less than the value of the advertising packages you get with your membership let alone entry into the backend income system! That’s right, simply pay a fraction of the value for your ads and the entire matrix system can be unleashed earning you a massive income for free! This is why everyone who's seen our system blueprint agrees TAGM is going to become the biggest advertising & 2x2 system on the Net in 2009! You'll be earning twice over, once from the results of your responsive weekly advertising packages and again from our revolutionary money making matrix! You'll be simply amazed at peoples reactions to this system once they see the power. We are sure you’ll see a stream of referrals like never before. This means BIG money for you and everyone concerned. So how will we be paying all this money to you? Will you have to wait weeks maybe months for your money? You better believe not! TAGM will be paying daily! Yep we are nailing this one! All personal cycles and matching bonuses will be paid to your AlertPay account daily! How cool is that!


 Ning Network:

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