Now you have joined APSense what should you do next? Part 1- APSense Help
Now you have joined APSense what should you do next? Part 1- APSense Help
This is a general guide to help you find your way initially in "APSense" and get yourself set up.
Setting up your Profile
From your "My Account" page click on "Update Profile" which is on the light blue band just below the main menu tabs.
On this page make sure that the "Email", "Display Name", "Home Page", and "PayPal Email" are filled in.
You do not need to touch the "Password" and "Verify" boxes unless you are changing your password.
Note Verify refers to verifying your password.
I recommend you select "Email Notification" as "Auto". Then if your "APSense Express" fails you will still be notified about messages.
Once this is correct click the "Save" Button.
The page will refresh and let you know your profile was updated.
You only need to click the "Save" button here if you have made any changes. If not move on to then next part.
Next complete the "Share More Information" section.
The information you place in this section will be displayed in your profile.
There is nothing worse than corresponding with someone and you don’t know their first name, so please at least enter you first name if not your last name.
If you have nothing to hide and you want people to learn to trust you then the more open with them you are the more chance you have.
So although it is your choice I do recommend you fill in, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Country, and City.
The same recommendation goes for the "About Me" box. You don’t have to give your life history but a general synopsis gives people an idea of what you are interested in.
The "Signature" is very important to you. In some Groups such as the main "APSense Group" there is absolutely no advertising permitted, but a signature file is acceptable. So make sure you make use of this box.
Enter your Name and your website url and use the UBB codes to make it clickable.
as an example this is how my sig file looks
Bill Brown aka Bjantiques
Skype id bjantiques
If you are not sure how to use UBB codes you can click on the blue "UBB Code" just below the box and a small window will pop up showing you examples of the coding and how to use it.
If you need extra help feel free to message me.
Once you have everything the way you want it click on the "Save" button. The page will refresh and tell you your profile was updated.
You can now go back to your "My Account" page and click on "My Profile Link" to view your profile and see how it looks.
If you want to make changes simply return to "Update Profile" and change what you need to and click the "Save" button then view again.
Adding your Photo.
To add your "Photo" to your profile go to your "My Account" Page.
At the top left you will see a generic icon and below that a button called "Change Photo". Click on this button and on the next page you will see a box marked "Select Photo", and to the right of it a button marked "Browse"
You need to have the photo you are going to use on your PC so it can be selected when you click the "Browse" button.
The size needs to be 96 x 96 and must be JPEG format that means with the extension .jpg not .jpeg or the upload will fail.
Once you have located and selected the photo you want to upload the address will show in the "Select Photo" box.
Now click on the "Upload It" button and it will be uploaded to the server for you. The page will refresh and your Photo should be displayed.
You can change your "Photo" at any time you wish.
If you do not know how to get a photo to the correct size and format refer to the first 3 paragraphs only in this post. The rest of that post is for a later section.
Making the most of your APSense Business Center. 2. Slideshow.
Install the "APSense Express" on your PC.
The "APSense Express" is a safe and non-intrusive little program. I am very security conscious and if it was not safe I assure you I would not use.
The purpose of the "APSense Express" is to notify you when there are messages in the groups you belong to, and also when there are "Bulletins" from your up line.
You should read all "Bulletins" from your up line as they are not all just ads, some are informational.
Note for information on text and banner ads see the following articles.
How to place a Text ad in the APSense Ad Network.
How to place a banner ad in the APSense Ad Network.
To install your "APSense Express" Go to your "My Account" page.
Directly below the "Change Photo" button you will see a icon marked "DOWNLOAD! APSense Express"
Click on this icon and it will take you to the download page with an explanation of the "APSense Express" and also the "Download Now!" button.
By clicking on this button a small window will pop up and you have the option to "Save" the file or "Open" it and run it right away.
If you chose to "Save" then please remember where you saved it so you can then run it to do the installation.
When you run the installation follow the instructions and when it asks you to "Log in" use your "APSense" log in Id and Password.
When the installation is complete you will see quite a number of messages appear. These are posts to the main "APSense Group" of which all members are automatically a member of.
The "APSense Express" is designed to hold the last 30 Message notifications so I strongly recommend that once you have read notifications you remove them from the list. If I get say 5 notifications I will double click on one and my browser opens and takes me to the post. Once I have read it, I then click on the next message in my "APSense Express" and read that one and so on.
After I have read them all I then click on the "Check All" button and then on the "Delete selections" to keep it from filling up and missing any messages that come in.
Note If you read a post and you want to follow it but do not want to post a comment then you will find a link at the end of the primary post called "Add to my watchlist". By clicking on that you will be notified each time there is a post made in that subject.
If you post a reply to any post then you will see a check box below the "Your Comment" box called "Add to my watchlist" which should be checked. Leave this box checked to be notified when any replies / new comments are posted.
Setting up your "APSense Business Center.
I am not going to cover Setting up your "APSense business Center" in this post as it is covered in an 8 part series I have already published that will take you step by step through everything, but this is the next step I recommend.
You will find all 8 Parts posted in my Main Group
LCW Business Group - Internet Marketing - APSense help - APSense tutorials - Newbies help - Online Advertising
Ok If you have got this far and completed all the above congratulations you are doing fantastic.
If you have skipped some well you can always go back and complete it as soon as possible. You see "APSense" if used right is going to do you a lot of good. The search engines crawl not only the "APSense" site its self but also the "Business Centers" as well. This is why it is important not to skip any of the above steps.
So you are set up and raring to go. "STOP" and "THINK" for a moment.
Why are you here? I assume the same reason as anyone else, you want to meet other marketers, but more important you want to tell the world about what you do and what you are promoting, Right?
Of course I am right, but there is a right and a wrong way to do this with a site like "APSense".
"The Wrong way" is to start dashing round as many groups as you can as fast as you can posting copy and paste ads.
"So what’s the right way?"
Well we have another thing we need to set up. Yea I know, you are saying "aaaaaaaaarrrrgg not more!!!!!". Well this is just as important as the rest you have done, so don’t throw in the towel.
Click here to go to part 2
This is a general guide to help you find your way initially in "APSense" and get yourself set up.
Setting up your Profile
From your "My Account" page click on "Update Profile" which is on the light blue band just below the main menu tabs.
On this page make sure that the "Email", "Display Name", "Home Page", and "PayPal Email" are filled in.
You do not need to touch the "Password" and "Verify" boxes unless you are changing your password.
Note Verify refers to verifying your password.
I recommend you select "Email Notification" as "Auto". Then if your "APSense Express" fails you will still be notified about messages.
Once this is correct click the "Save" Button.
The page will refresh and let you know your profile was updated.
You only need to click the "Save" button here if you have made any changes. If not move on to then next part.
Next complete the "Share More Information" section.
The information you place in this section will be displayed in your profile.
There is nothing worse than corresponding with someone and you don’t know their first name, so please at least enter you first name if not your last name.
If you have nothing to hide and you want people to learn to trust you then the more open with them you are the more chance you have.
So although it is your choice I do recommend you fill in, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Country, and City.
The same recommendation goes for the "About Me" box. You don’t have to give your life history but a general synopsis gives people an idea of what you are interested in.
The "Signature" is very important to you. In some Groups such as the main "APSense Group" there is absolutely no advertising permitted, but a signature file is acceptable. So make sure you make use of this box.
Enter your Name and your website url and use the UBB codes to make it clickable.
as an example this is how my sig file looks
Bill Brown aka Bjantiques
Skype id bjantiques
If you are not sure how to use UBB codes you can click on the blue "UBB Code" just below the box and a small window will pop up showing you examples of the coding and how to use it.
If you need extra help feel free to message me.
Once you have everything the way you want it click on the "Save" button. The page will refresh and tell you your profile was updated.
You can now go back to your "My Account" page and click on "My Profile Link" to view your profile and see how it looks.
If you want to make changes simply return to "Update Profile" and change what you need to and click the "Save" button then view again.
Adding your Photo.
To add your "Photo" to your profile go to your "My Account" Page.
At the top left you will see a generic icon and below that a button called "Change Photo". Click on this button and on the next page you will see a box marked "Select Photo", and to the right of it a button marked "Browse"
You need to have the photo you are going to use on your PC so it can be selected when you click the "Browse" button.
The size needs to be 96 x 96 and must be JPEG format that means with the extension .jpg not .jpeg or the upload will fail.
Once you have located and selected the photo you want to upload the address will show in the "Select Photo" box.
Now click on the "Upload It" button and it will be uploaded to the server for you. The page will refresh and your Photo should be displayed.
You can change your "Photo" at any time you wish.
If you do not know how to get a photo to the correct size and format refer to the first 3 paragraphs only in this post. The rest of that post is for a later section.
Making the most of your APSense Business Center. 2. Slideshow.
Install the "APSense Express" on your PC.
The "APSense Express" is a safe and non-intrusive little program. I am very security conscious and if it was not safe I assure you I would not use.
The purpose of the "APSense Express" is to notify you when there are messages in the groups you belong to, and also when there are "Bulletins" from your up line.
You should read all "Bulletins" from your up line as they are not all just ads, some are informational.
Note for information on text and banner ads see the following articles.
How to place a Text ad in the APSense Ad Network.
How to place a banner ad in the APSense Ad Network.
To install your "APSense Express" Go to your "My Account" page.
Directly below the "Change Photo" button you will see a icon marked "DOWNLOAD! APSense Express"
Click on this icon and it will take you to the download page with an explanation of the "APSense Express" and also the "Download Now!" button.
By clicking on this button a small window will pop up and you have the option to "Save" the file or "Open" it and run it right away.
If you chose to "Save" then please remember where you saved it so you can then run it to do the installation.
When you run the installation follow the instructions and when it asks you to "Log in" use your "APSense" log in Id and Password.
When the installation is complete you will see quite a number of messages appear. These are posts to the main "APSense Group" of which all members are automatically a member of.
The "APSense Express" is designed to hold the last 30 Message notifications so I strongly recommend that once you have read notifications you remove them from the list. If I get say 5 notifications I will double click on one and my browser opens and takes me to the post. Once I have read it, I then click on the next message in my "APSense Express" and read that one and so on.
After I have read them all I then click on the "Check All" button and then on the "Delete selections" to keep it from filling up and missing any messages that come in.
Note If you read a post and you want to follow it but do not want to post a comment then you will find a link at the end of the primary post called "Add to my watchlist". By clicking on that you will be notified each time there is a post made in that subject.
If you post a reply to any post then you will see a check box below the "Your Comment" box called "Add to my watchlist" which should be checked. Leave this box checked to be notified when any replies / new comments are posted.
Setting up your "APSense Business Center.
I am not going to cover Setting up your "APSense business Center" in this post as it is covered in an 8 part series I have already published that will take you step by step through everything, but this is the next step I recommend.
You will find all 8 Parts posted in my Main Group
LCW Business Group - Internet Marketing - APSense help - APSense tutorials - Newbies help - Online Advertising
Ok If you have got this far and completed all the above congratulations you are doing fantastic.
If you have skipped some well you can always go back and complete it as soon as possible. You see "APSense" if used right is going to do you a lot of good. The search engines crawl not only the "APSense" site its self but also the "Business Centers" as well. This is why it is important not to skip any of the above steps.
So you are set up and raring to go. "STOP" and "THINK" for a moment.
Why are you here? I assume the same reason as anyone else, you want to meet other marketers, but more important you want to tell the world about what you do and what you are promoting, Right?
Of course I am right, but there is a right and a wrong way to do this with a site like "APSense".
"The Wrong way" is to start dashing round as many groups as you can as fast as you can posting copy and paste ads.
"So what’s the right way?"
Well we have another thing we need to set up. Yea I know, you are saying "aaaaaaaaarrrrgg not more!!!!!". Well this is just as important as the rest you have done, so don’t throw in the towel.
Click here to go to part 2
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