Will you help me win?

Posted by Bruce Bates
Sep 20, 2013
37 people like it
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Comments (16)
Donna Mills

Janitorial Services

I am going to stay out of this discussion

Sep 20, 2013 1 Like Like it
Ted Carter

Lead Generation

Andy, Bruce does not need $150.00. You picked the fight, got pissed. End of story

Sep 17, 2013 Like it
Micah Wallace


I have Known Bruce for over 2 Years Now and he has not only taught me the importance of marketing the right companies he has worked with me to help me improve the way I communicate with others.

Andy I don't believe you know Bruce like I do. He is a Brother and Friend and he cares about everyone. He is not concerned about making the next buck like you state in your post above. Actually is quite the opposite he will actually help people get Targeted Traffic to their website without spending mone

Sep 17, 2013 1 Like Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

I won't even justify you last post with a reply other than this. Obviously you know nothing of me and haven't followed me ever as I don't whine about anything. I think you are vastly confusing me with someone else. :)

Sep 17, 2013 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

Andy, I do understand your point, and I am sorry if I seemed angry or argumentative in my replies. I can clearly see where you are misunderstanding.

One, I have never claimed to be anything in marketing. I don't claim to be an SEO guy, or a list building guy, or an type of marketer.

Two - not all marketing is seo marketing. If I am attempting to place backlinks (not something I do in my SEO strategy) I am going to use unmasked anchor hyperlink references.

Three - although apsense can help

Sep 17, 2013 Like it
Andy Anderson

Owner Yuma Bloggers

Now on your Sad notes I come here to network not build a massive list. I could have 10,000 people or more in my connections and still be none the better off. I deal in direct marketing through trust which is built not off begging, not off shady links, not off attacking anyone who tries to tell you how wrong you are doing this sob story after sob story B.s. which is all you have managed over and over as long as I have known you.

Now I have helped a great many, and by helped I mean training, and

Sep 17, 2013 Like it
Andy Anderson

Owner Yuma Bloggers

Man it seems you are looking for a reason to get mad but the TEXT is not the LINK the URL however is the link and since you are masking your URL with their URL and 302 redirect you are losing the one way direct link from a page with related content. Something a SEO Expert such as you claim to be should know but obviously don't. But we can debate this all day and I will direct you to Wiki Pedia, SEO Book, Moz, Search Engine Land, Website Magazine or any of hundreds of free publications where you

Sep 17, 2013 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

There is no link juice to be had on text, as text isn't a link. Show me how I lose link juice by using text on a page? This has nothing to do with link juice.

Using a url shortener, has to do with tracking not link juice.

Explain to me how it is you think this has to do with link juice when.... there are no links anywhere on this post. Explain to me how a non-hyperlinked plain-text URI hurts your link juice? Better yet, explain to me how when I send out email campaigns and use URI shorteners

Sep 16, 2013 Like it
Andy Anderson

Owner Yuma Bloggers

If by best thing you mean I get to hide behind some other site's reputation while giving them all my link juice and a ton of free traffic then I would have to agree. It's better to not use links you have to hide behind such services.

Sep 16, 2013 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

Andy, don't take what I say personally.

The practice of shortening links is the best thing that ever happened to marketing. I use bit.ly just because its so very transparent. you can tack a + on the end of any bit.ly url and see not only where it is actually redirecting to, but also how many people have clicked the link, from where they clicked it, what country they were from, and a boatload of other information. If you wanted to know what i was promoting, it was a simple matter of caring enou

Aug 2, 2013 Like it
Andy Anderson

Owner Yuma Bloggers

Too bad you didn't post the program link I wont click 99% of all link redirects including Bit.ly, sorry don't know what program it is and the whole please help thing is a sad marketing tactic.

Aug 2, 2013 Like it
Carol Williams

cheap wedding dress - ogotoshop.com

Really?Do not know。。。。

Jul 20, 2013 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

Drew hopefully you will join and help me out :)

Jul 13, 2013 Like it
Lux Jean Drew

Music And Video- Polls - News

Hey Bruce, hope you get to the 1st spot. Good luck.

Jul 13, 2013 1 Like Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

Good luck, the big guns blew me out of the water.

Jul 13, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

If I can maintain second place I get $100

If I can gain til first I get $150.

Contest ends the 14th.

Please help!


Jul 12, 2013 Like it
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