Why many online marketer hate forex trading?

Posted by Rached H.
Mar 14, 2016
4 people like it
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Comments (24)
Frost International

Frost International Limited Kanpur - Best Trading

Forex Trading can be hated only because of the risks involved which can lose more than your deposit. Although risk factor in forex trading considered to above average but still it is thing every trader have to take.

Mar 14, 2016 Like it
Forex Camping

Online forex training and tutorials.

they don't have enough knowledge about forex trading and then they loose money.
can easily learn forex trading with forexcamping.

Apr 12, 2014 Like it
Forex Camping

Online forex training and tutorials.

Increase Your Trading Profit With forexcamping.com

Nov 1, 2013 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Be careful when joining so called Forex online sites! If they are not certified Forex brokers, then forget about their empty promises. If you expect making money through Forex as loterry then you are wrong and your money are lost. If you want to learn and become a professional it can be the beginning to the wealth, but the road can be quite long!

Sep 12, 2013 1 Like Like it
Erzsebet Szpisjak


Nem a forex kereskedésre haragszom, hanem sajnos engem is becsaptak,nagyon sok pénzzel....

Sep 11, 2013 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Well said Pol and Teodor more people need to listen to what we say.

@Mason as you say "never trade what you can njot afford to lose" but with reference to [quote]think of the worst thing can happen.[unquote].

The worst thing that can happen is you lose money that you really could not afford to lose. Then you borrow money, or over extend the credit card(s), and lose more until you are at the point of chapter 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, or 15 depending on the point in time you wake up and realize you ar

Sep 11, 2013 Like it
Mason A.

Forex Trading

It's common believe that forex is high risk business, it may lead you to substantial financial loss.But on the other-hand think of the worst thing can happen. It's just that you lose your money; this is why you need to trade responsibly as with everything you do in your life. Never trade what you cannot afford to loose.

Sep 11, 2013 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

1. Classical Forex is hard to learn, one needs to be smart enough to learn it.
2. Ignorance - many people make confusiion between the craps and scams online and the real currency market named Forex (Foreign Currency Exchange).
3. No time - Classical Forex require very long time, few years of trading demo, learn well and then trade live.
And of course, many other reasons as shown by Apsensers.

Mar 9, 2013 Like it
Pol Bishop

Cleaning Tips and Information

Forex is very far from scam. The real reason behind all the hate for it is that many people start with the idea of becoming millionaires and "get the easy money", while they are clearly inexperienced. Forex requires years of training and very good risk management.

Jan 27, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Celestial Love


I am glad to have found the right affiliate program that suits all my forex traffic needs!. Their experience and knowledge in the field is just outstanding!
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Aug 7, 2012 Like it
Fx Imran

Forex Trader

There are many kinds of people loss from Forex so they are not like Forex.

Jul 31, 2012 Like it


forex trading drain a lot of our minds and every second can not be predicted accurately

Apr 23, 2012 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Yet another purveyor of false hoods as well as a spammer. It takes a damned sight more than one or two months of practicing with a demo account. What you are not told is that practice accounts do not work the same as real accounts. Yes, they all claim they do but the reality is that the diverse practice accounts do not even give the same results. This is NOT hearsay, or passed on information. I am speaking as an ex-trader so what I say is first-hand information.

Apr 12, 2012 1 Like Like it
Mark Mc Donnell

Forex Trading Plans and Trading Signals

Hi my name is Mark Mc Donnell, I own Forexearlywarning.com, we provide trading signals on 28 currency pairs daily. Our system is pretty simple, we follow the trends of the market and have exact entry signals using currency strength and weakness. Trading the forex full time is completely doable. It takes about 1-2 months of study and demo trading. Check out Forexearlywarning.com as all of our learning materials are free to the public.

Good Trading

Apr 12, 2012 Like it
Riyadh Bhuyian


totally agree with @Abdellah E. i think the people also don't know about forex market and the are unfamiliar with terms such as Stop Loss and Japanese Candlestick.

Mar 12, 2012 Like it
Petrica Ghebaura

Mould toolman

The main reason is that most people lose trading. But one thing is certain: you win or lose, he wins the organizer never lose the joy and sorrow and your words cualte has no risk, all risks were passed on to you.

Mar 5, 2012 Like it
Abdellah E.

Internet & eBusines, Consultant...

Personally I think that most people simply do not know are punctual, but the risk of possible loss in forex

Mar 5, 2012 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

doing forex is not something everyone can do. It requires excellent mathematical ability, analytical capability and a deep pocket to cover losses. It is promoted as if anyone can do it and that is a blatant lie. all these systems do NOT work as they claim they do. They work for a while but they do not take into account the erratic and unstable way that humans do things.

Mar 4, 2012 3 Likes Like it
eFactor Digital

Web Developer

The variation in Forex market is small. So chances of earning is small as well.

Mar 4, 2012 Like it
Rached H.

Business Consultant

Yes, I believe also that we can make a lot of earnings in Forex, just learn, have a clear vision, and adopt strategy to minimize your risk and maximize your profits.

Mar 4, 2012 Like it
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