Why do people optin and never confirm?

Posted by Todd Perry
Oct 29, 2012
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Comments (23)
Lino Curci

List Builder-Expert in web Traffic

more time the onfirm emai go in spam folder, othe wuestion is people don't know procedure of optin, and 3 have fear to click on confirm (they think buy or enter in a bad system)

Oct 29, 2012 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

It is easy to sign up for something that is free. It is more difficult to be asked to click on something that will require commitment. Many people want the money to fall out of the sky. The internet has been plagued for years with false offers. A lot of distrust and no one wants to commit.

Oct 20, 2012 Like it
Oswald Rodrigues


Apart from the solution I suggested above, there's another way out of this "signup-never-confirm" conundrum: Instead of employing the traditional single/double optin setup using an autoresponder, use a php or cgi script (there are various free as well as paid ones available) that allows the prospect to enter his name, email id, username and password into the form. When he clicks "submit" he is immediately taken to the login page where he can enter his username and password and enter the member a

Oct 20, 2012 Like it
Todd Perry

Honest ways

Your are 100% correct about having separate email addresses for signups and for the mailer. But there are quite a few that do not understand this and use the same address for both.

The only reason they go to spam is people signup for them and when they receive emails from them they mark it as spam,

Just like they do when signing up to peoples list instead of clicking the optout link.

Oct 20, 2012 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

Honestly when dealing with the signups I rarely find them in my spam unless the owner failed at setting things up right. The default signup email should never be flagged as spam so it shouldn't be a problem. When one whitelists a safelist its should be a completely separate email address than the signup email - usually something like bounce@somesafelist.com

I have however run into a couple times when the signup emails didn't make it to my inbox, and I do usually search for them..... if the pro

Oct 18, 2012 Like it
Todd Perry

Honest ways

Bruce, Very good answer, However 97% of the safelist/credit mailers/listbuilders go to spam unless you whitelist them or filter them in Gmails case.

Oct 18, 2012 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

There are generally 5 reasons people don't click to confirm after they signup to something.

Reason 1: They re overwhelmed and your page was one of many fly-by-night pages they signed up from when surfing the exchanges or reading safelist emails. Its like someone liked 50 pages over the course of an hour, then logged in their email and said "screw this" and trashed them all.

Reason 2: It went to their spam box and they never checked it. Honestly, if something ends in my spam box, I rarely che

Oct 17, 2012 Like it
John Fagalde

Social Media Expert

@Philippe has it. It is unbelievable how many people don't think about looking into their spam folder and @Oswald explains it right and in details.

Oct 17, 2012 1 Like Like it
Oswald Rodrigues


@Philippe, you're right. That's why, as I commented above, you must tell the prospect on the thank you page to check his spam folder. As for white listing, you can include instructions on the confirm page about how to white list.

Oct 17, 2012 1 Like Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

After a decade of earning online and dealing with all kinds of people, I have determined it is a total waste of time to try and figure out what goes on in these people's minds. Just shoot your best shot and take the odds.

Oct 17, 2012 1 Like Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I wonder how many people don't know how to check their spam folder, or don't check it often enough, and also might not know how to whitelist an email address

Oct 17, 2012 Like it
Terence Burns

Strategic Marketing Consultant/Specialist

My take on this is that most people doesn't read enough of the program to fully understand what is going on within the business. Looking at the money signs doesn't mean that it is yours. What I recommend anyone wanting to enjoy the lifestyle of being a business owner online is that they use an online training facility to market and brand themselves and research the business before joining.

Oct 15, 2012 Like it
Marvin Whitehead Jr....

Internet Marketer

Thanks very much,Philippe my friend:))

Oct 15, 2012 Like it
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

Sometimes they don't know they're going to have to Opt-In so they use a fake/expired/inactive email address that they can't log in to to confirm anyway

Oct 14, 2012 Like it
Oswald Rodrigues


To make sure the prospect confirms, tell him when he reaches the thank you page (i.e. the page that appears as soon as he hits the subscribe button) that he will receive an email with a link on which he has to click in order to receive the juicy freebie that he signed up for. Remind him to check his bulk/spam folder too in case the confirmation email doesn't land in his inbox. Also tell him that he will receive a nice unannounced bonus if he goes and clicks on that confirmation link. Then you ca

Oct 13, 2012 Like it
Bogdan M.

Forex Trading & Investment Consultant

They do not know what to do or change their mind or do not like the program and so on...

Oct 12, 2012 Like it
Todd Perry

Honest ways

Christine, I think you hit the nail on the head with that answer.
Jeffery, That is a good point.
Ron, I run when there is a lot of upsells, If they say it's free then I should get everything with nothing out of pocket. But we all know nothing online is free, Nothing that works anyway

Oct 10, 2012 Like it
Ron Outlaw


I think it depends on the program. If there is a lot of up sales, people tend to run away real fast. If you talk about the progarm is free and than money begans to be ask for.... good bye.

Oct 9, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Jeffery V.

Positive Thinker, Entrepreneur

Many places that use opt in forms, dont nearly describe what is actually being sold or presented so they will fill out the info to see more info. After they do, but decide not to purchase they move on without confirming. Or, because they werent sent directly to the sales page, they move on.

Oct 9, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Christine Morrison

Internet Marketing

Some folks just like to window shop,kicking tires and can't make a decision as to what they really want to do.

Oct 8, 2012 2 Likes Like it
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