WHY do members here at APSense post "Copy and Paste CRAP" rather than "GOOD ORIGINAL CONTENT?"?

Posted by Cindy Bolley
Mar 22, 2017
10 people like it
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Comments (26)
Joseph Doyle

Irish "Celtic_Spirals" Jewelery

I agree Cindy, Sean, and fellow members with your point.
I can, and we all must condone non nationals speech, being a tad incorrect in literary terms.
A non national friend of mine uses a Google App, called "Grammarly" and still doe's not make sense sometimes, at least the effort is being made. Lol is a snicker in text speech Cindy.

Mar 22, 2017 Like it
Carmen Anca Rus

Social Media Marketer

why, could be that not all the members write and speak good english...

May 7, 2013 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

I always try and post original articles by myself. I never was taught to put something on paper that couldn't verified and correct credit given to the author.

With that said, it is the internet and in my opinion, well over 50% is inane and useless information.

APSense is a lot better than some of the other social sites I visit.

Something I learned a long time ago was that trying to get others to do things, right or wrong, was an exercise in futility. We can only control ourselves, and that

Jan 22, 2013 Like it
Cindy Bolley


@Warren... Good for you...!
Just think what it may of been had it been Good Original Content!

Jan 22, 2013 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

There is a place for everything. I was paid $784.90 last year for posting Copy Paste Crap on classified sites, just not here on APSense.

Jan 22, 2013 Like it
Cindy Bolley


@Sean.... Your right..... taking lead from the wrong leader.
But in all fairness... there are many wolves in sheep's clothing out there!

Jan 22, 2013 Like it
Sean North


Laziness is certainly a part of it, I would also say a misguided or misinformed belief that quantity over rides quality, seems to go hand in hand online

Jan 22, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Cindy Bolley


@ Ed your right... way to many are just simply lazy... and then they WONDER!!!!

@Brian If they said it prior... it was original .... Just like your post!
And your right about the 2000+Likes...
That part really makes me snicker.

My thanks to both of you for your input

Jan 21, 2013 1 Like Like it
Anon E.

Internet Ninja

OH WOW ! I thought I was the only one that noticed. Some articles word for word 500+ And then...2000+ likes. I just dont get it. This really devalues what APSense is supposed to be about.

Sorry if I repeat anything said above. But, excited to see someone else mention this - I just had to rush and post this message without reading above ( let hope I dont embarrass myself )

Jan 21, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Ed Blount

Business Owner and Mentor

It is easier. Alot of people are not native English speakers so just copy and past. Most people I am afraid to say are flipping lazy and wonder why they never get anywhere !

Jan 21, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Cindy Bolley


@Felikss If you write it .... it is YOURS.

It is my understanding that your able to post it on 2 , 3, or more Domains and it would still be YOURS... I think it was Philippe who said that he writes an article and post it here as well as to his own Blog..... I do that as well.

BUT... we wrote it... we didn't copy and paste it from somewhere else.
The more you do how you do it... it will indeed get easier.

Many thanks for your input.... And I understood you PERFECTLY!

Jan 21, 2013 1 Like Like it
Felikss Veilands


In my blog I posting "good original content", my English is still very bad, I can write and read, but I speaking very poor. One short article (about 500 words) in English takes me about half day (sometimes a day) and write one more original article about the same topic is to hard for me. Therefore I waiting for google index my article in my blog and after that I posting article here.

I writing posts myself only to have original blog... for SEO I think it's not emergency neccessary - I have pos

Jan 21, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Cindy Bolley


@Timmy Griffin....Thanks for you input I have talked about those Google Spiders, named Sam and Joe in the past .. and YES they hate Copy and Paste

Jan 20, 2013 1 Like Like it
Timmy Griffin

SEO Executive Specialist

Well I've read very constructive comments on the subject you raised. I have my own side of the story concerning SEO (search engine optimisation).
Let me start by saying that what @faii acy is most accurate. Mainly, because of Google. Some SEOs literally hijack articles for their own agenda the key to it is that they have to do it fast before Google bot crawls it and it falls in to it's index. Copying and pasting already indexed article is a one of the worst techniques a SEO can do.

Jan 20, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Cindy Bolley


@Asna R. Perfect! .....Thanks for your input!

Jan 20, 2013 1 Like Like it
Asna R.


express something that have come bottom of heart if every body will write something on this method then nobody will never need to copy paste

Jan 20, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Kaaba Yahaya

Marketer at SFI(TEAM Leader), GlobAllShare and Cas

because most of them are not profesional writers

Jan 20, 2013 1 Like Like it
Maria khan

Manager Accounts

i like this.................

Jan 20, 2013 Like it
Cindy Bolley


@Juyee... You don't have to be a "professional writer"... I write exactly how I talk... Writing is like anything else... it gets easier the more that you do it. Just keep at it.

@Nnamdi...I have followed you for years around APSense.. it is always a pleasure to read and comment on what you post. And your right "posting good articles and commenting on them will pay us all in the end because Google.com will always be at APSense indexing our articles and links"....
I could not of said that bett

Jan 19, 2013 1 Like Like it
Surinder Singh Darvesh

Editor, Translator, Blogger

Because one man's content may be crap for another and vice versa.

Jan 19, 2013 Like it
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