Watch your feelings; they become thoughts! ...
"Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
(Lao Tzu)
I will not say hate, but I don't like the audacity of some politicians telling us that we are dumb and what we have to do. They don't even know how normal people live and how they struggle. I saw multiple example for that in the last two years not only covid related.
Resentment is not a good idea, so even though, being a weak human, there are some people I wish would do things differently, well, since I can't control it, I use the Serenity prayer to accept the things I can't change.
Comments (13)
Rob aka Cerberus
Better World Partisan
Watch your feelings; they become thoughts! ...
"Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
(Lao Tzu)
Chris Coin
Online Marketer, Crypto Earner
I will not say hate, but I don't like the audacity of some politicians telling us that we are dumb and what we have to do. They don't even know how normal people live and how they struggle. I saw multiple example for that in the last two years not only covid related.
Marla K.
Tech Writer
Hate is a very strong word. I dislike it when people don't understand the difference between they're, their, and there. But I don't hate anyone.
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I wish would do things differently, well, since I can't control it, I use the Serenity prayer to accept the things I can't change.
Akbar A.
I think no one, if you do not like someone it is your own likes or dislikes
Pun Yukhang
Wow,jetso wong,it is a shitf
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Resentment is not a good idea, so even though, being a weak human, there are some people I wish would do things differently, well, since I can't control it, I use the Serenity prayer to accept the things I can't change.