Personally. Instagram. Before I was soulless digital marketing scum I majored in photography so it just appeals to me. For work. Twitter. Not because it’s best marketing platform but because it’s the best example of what makes social media a valuable marketing platform in the context of harvesting interest/intent
Comments (11)
Marius Wlassak
Business Media Consultant
or2 - its the most effective, fun and most progressive
Kate Juddy
Personally. Instagram. Before I was soulless digital marketing scum I majored in photography so it just appeals to me. For work. Twitter. Not because it’s best marketing platform but because it’s the best example of what makes social media a valuable marketing platform in the context of harvesting interest/intent
Neha- UpdatedReviews...
Founder of
Thanks everyone for your answers.
Biz Virtuoso
Start a Virtuoso Program to increase profits with
Facebook is best one because your attached your friend always.
Employment Duniya
sarkari naukri , fresher job ,govt job
facebook is the best....
app development company, seo servic
Facebook and Instagram is the best platform to advertise your business. You might want to consider selling your products on Alibaba as well.
Rishikesh Yoga
Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh
Facebook because its easy to use and We reached maximum people
Jeet Kaushik
Digital Marketer, Web Designer
The Facebook is my favorite Social Media Platform because It's provides various ways to drive traffic to your websites.
Tie Ginn
Online Wealth Networker
I like Facebook because there's virtually an infinite amount of potential prospects that are looking for products and services.
R. Weatherly
Business Professional
I like Facebook almost everyone has a facebook acct., the different ways to connect with people, plus the advertising options.
Peter C.
Marketing Consultant
face book is my favorite with varius ways to drive traffic to your websites