There is no guy perfect for marriage because nobody is perfect. People evolve through the years and are not the same people they were when they got married. The deal is deciding to figure out whether it is worth working it out or not.
One of the most important foundations of any long-lasting relationship is the ability for the couple to communicate in an open and effective manner.
After many years of being with my partner, we both thought we had a fantastic relationship in part because we never argued. However, this was not able to work in the long-term. We realized that we were not really talking and sharing. We were avoiding the most fundamental, meaningful discussions in order to avoid fighting.
Comments (12)
Linda Blackwell
Home Business Consultant, Affiliate Marketer
There is no guy perfect for marriage because nobody is perfect. People evolve through the years and are not the same people they were when they got married. The deal is deciding to figure out whether it is worth working it out or not.
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Faithfull well staled
Rubi Ahsan
Associate S.E.O Consultant
One of the most important foundations of any long-lasting relationship is the ability for the couple to communicate in an open and effective manner.
After many years of being with my partner, we both thought we had a fantastic relationship in part because we never argued. However, this was not able to work in the long-term. We realized that we were not really talking and sharing. We were avoiding the most fundamental, meaningful discussions in order to avoid fighting.
Arguments and disagreemen
Po Ki
Affiliate business
Faithful and fallen in love!
Andre Gregory
Software developer
The guy who do anything in world, only see your smiling face.
Georges Van den Bran...
There is no perfect man or woman. A relationship or marriage is like a lottery, either you win or you lose.
Marketing Data
Consumer Trends
That is a hard question because the type of man that is perfect for marriage will depend alot on the woman he is marrying.
Petko Kishev
Folklor manager
I think that the perfect man for marriage is one that is reliable!