Build Your Own Amazon, eBay Ecommerce Affiliate Store and Make Money Online From Affiliate Associate Programs. No html, designing knowledge needed!
If you are not making the money you want there’s only one thing that will change that. Just change what you are doing. If something is not working then find out what it
takes to get it working.
"THE PLAN" shows you how to change what you can do to change what you are making.
What is THE PLAN? Give me a PM.
You must think first on how to promote whatever you decide to sell. Then decide if the commissions on the sales are enough to pay for your efforts.
Clickbank and Amazon may be great but, how much effort is invested to make a sale?
How many sales must you make to earn $1000?
My ideal is a business that after the struggle of getting a few direct affiliates it snowballs into a growing income with little or no effort.
Believe me, there is such a thing but difficult to find. I found it.
I think that it depends on where you see yourself as a brand. What is that you love? And then go from there. There are a lot of programs that work but if you are not passionate about that product or service then you may be dead in the water, The affiliate marketing game is tough at times. Good Luck.
Comments (32)
Max Wall
SEO, WordPress , Content creation
Amazon affiliate mini-sites and CJ Affiliate
Digital Marketing Ne...
Build Your Own Amazon, eBay Ecommerce Affiliate Store and Make Money Online From Affiliate Associate Programs. No html, designing knowledge needed!
Anthony Kpodo
Internet Marketer
If you are not making the money you want there’s only one thing that will change that. Just change what you are doing. If something is not working then find out what it
takes to get it working.
"THE PLAN" shows you how to change what you can do to change what you are making.
What is THE PLAN? Give me a PM.
Claire R.
Webeneur & Online Shop Owner
I agree with many of the above; Amazon affiliate mini sites / blogs, cbproads and Yahoo media for contextual advertising.
Stephen C.
Web Designer
Amazon Affiliate Marketing is My best choice. It's really valuable.
Hector R.
Millionaire Coach
Here is the best company to work 4 usiguru
vinay k.
i also think that first you try clickbank
Robert Hebel
Website Traffic
Try JV ZOO they are great for affiliates and also if you have something to sell you can do it thru JV ZOO
Subhash Padmanabhan
internet marketer
interesting and difficult to answer .please inbox me so that i provide an answer as per your need and depend on your ability
Edita C.
You must think first on how to promote whatever you decide to sell. Then decide if the commissions on the sales are enough to pay for your efforts.
Clickbank and Amazon may be great but, how much effort is invested to make a sale?
How many sales must you make to earn $1000?
My ideal is a business that after the struggle of getting a few direct affiliates it snowballs into a growing income with little or no effort.
Believe me, there is such a thing but difficult to find. I found it.
Dukic Drago
Brza zarada
Very useful information sharing about affiliate marketing
Sanjam Singh
ecommerse website are good option to start with affiliate marketing
The Cathedral Vidya ...
The Cathedral Vidya School
e-Commerce websites are good option for affiliate marketing. Select category which give highest selling ratio.
Viktor(Buratino) Z.
School of eBusiness
Grab world first official cryptocurrency for advertising world
Medilift Air Ambulan...
online shopping site are the best option for this
Digi SMM
Social Media Marketing
amazon is superb for affiliates.
Sickey Digital
Digital Marketing Agency New Delhi
Amazon Associates will be good for you.
Hudson Mckenzie
Lawyers and Solicitors who understand you
You should start with amazon associates...
A best affiliate program for newbies.
Lisa E.
An enthusiastic knowledge seeker
I think that it depends on where you see yourself as a brand. What is that you love? And then go from there. There are a lot of programs that work but if you are not passionate about that product or service then you may be dead in the water, The affiliate marketing game is tough at times. Good Luck.
Joseph Grant
CRO | Ghost Writer
Amazon and Clickbank are the best affiliate marketing programs.