What task have you been postponing for ages against better judgment?

Posted by Paula van Dun
Aug 15, 2014
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Comments (9)
John F.

Internet/Affiliate Marketer and Consultant

Paula, i've done the same thing. i'd joined and even upgraded in many many safelists and a couple TE's that i've found effective but procrastinate the downline builders simply because it means joining more and being hit with more OTOs and such, that i find hard to resist-:)
So now i wait to see the results and traffic ( are the safelist members active ) i get in the safelist before any upgrades. A little trick if needed: One can always cancel an account 'accidentally" and then join again later o

Nov 3, 2012 Like it
Felson N.


Presentations to Corporates, Because I underestimated myself and I never empty my cup

Nov 2, 2012 Like it
Paula van Dun


William Jones I have reported you for copy/paste my comment

Nov 1, 2012 Like it
Lucas Kain

Freelancing Writer

Definitely guest blogging and press releases. Looks like too much work and instantly puts me off. Yes, it's not critical, but it must be done at some point. :( Otherwise, while I'm still young, I've learned to organize everything that's piling up on the go. Saves quite a bit of time in the long run!

Nov 1, 2012 Like it
Williams Jones

visa Vietnam

Mine was reorganizing my email accounts and get some structure in using credit mailers and using credit mailers more and effectively. I see several successful marketers using safe lists and credit mailers all the time. I think part of their success is because of reaching a lot of people bu using mailers effectively. I joined a lot of them using my main email address but really did not use many.

Nov 1, 2012 Like it
Paula van Dun


WTG David, I am sure you get it done. I have multiple major projects, among those also several sites that I need to rebuild from scratch or need a major revision. I just try to do a bit every day. It may take several months to complete certain projects but that is better than not starting at all

Oct 31, 2012 Like it
Rosyel S.

Financial Advisor, Blogger

I know I'm missing some important tasks. I really should work harder and smarter on building my only text ad exchange site, Winning Solos. But I'm also building my brand as a blogger, lensmaster, and hubber. I will definitely need to find a way to bring all these together. ^_^

Oct 31, 2012 Like it
David Smith

Marketing Mentor

Hi Paula, one task I have been putting off for a very long time is building a new website specifically for training my downline in a certain affiliate program. It is an immense project and as much as I want it completed I keep making excuses to put it off some more. I am making a concerted effort now to finally make it happen within the next 30 days or so and I know my downline is growing impatient although excited. As someone once said "Just do it!" I think is very good advice :)

Oct 31, 2012 Like it
Paula van Dun


Mine was reorganizing my email accounts and get some structure in using credit mailers and using credit mailers more and effectively. I see several successful marketers using safe lists and credit mailers all the time. I think part of their success is because of reaching a lot of people bu using mailers effectively. I joined a lot of them using my main email address but really did not use many. And did not even fill out the downline builders and add my advertising. So I postponed this reorganizi

Oct 31, 2012 Like it
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