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Comments (14)
Jeanette Hall
SFI Affiliate
Get my husband to call into work and claim he needs to help me, that way we could spend one last day together. Would ask him to forgive me for anything I might have done wrong to him. Then, I would try to cuddle with him one last time.
Waqar Ahmad
Education Consultant
I want marriage with a beautiful girl bcoz i don't want die single :)
Steve Hapner
Network Marketer
Celebrate the passing of Steve..
Luana L.
Online marketer
I would start to cry because I love my family, my friends and I would not like to leave them. I think I would live life as usual in my last day, because I can't find everyone that I love in 1 day.
Steve Hapner
Network Marketer
Joe that's a good one get paid to advertise how does that work.
Manoj Prasad
Professional with a variety of experience
Switch off my phone and take a long deserved sleep
Joseph Dietrick
Marketing Associate
i would gather all my friends and familly together and have one big party
Pol Bishop
Cleaning Tips and Information
I will say goodbye to my family and friends, then get high on the strongest drugs that I can get.
Horacio C.
story writer
go back to my hometown and stay close to my family and friends for the last time and say all the things I never said to each one. In simple words enjoy my last day on earth with the people I care the most
Rajanikanta S.
Internet & Affiliate Marketer
I shall thank God for giving me this kind opportunity to leave early!
Vladimir V.
duchod +prace na vlastni riziko
sejdem se vsichni znami a rodina a spolecne si vychutname posledni den jidlem a pitim a utratime vsechny penize
Michelle Sawyer
Web Designer
Be surrounded with family
Deb Kwek
Debs Great Finds And Deals
What is the first thing you are going to do if you are told that today is your last day on earth? Have my family all around me and tell them how much I love them!