What is the difference between Black Hat Seo and White Hat SEO?

Posted by Vikram Rathore
Aug 21, 2021
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Comments (7)
Adiya Gowda

Marketing Manager

White hat SEO means all the ethical activities you do for promoting your website. Such as creating attractive content, adding high traffic keywords, making the website fast and mobile-friendly, etc.

On the other hand, black hat activities or non-ethical activities include, posting duplicate content, keyword stuffing, hidden text or hidden links, sneaky redirects, reporting your competitors, or negative SEO.

Aug 21, 2021 Like it
Manoj Kumar

Removal Company

White hat SEO means all the ethical activities you do for promoting your website. Such as creating attractive content, adding high traffic keywords, making the website fast and mobile-friendly, etc.

On the other hand, black hat activities or non-ethical activities include, posting duplicate content, keyword stuffing, hidden text or hidden links, sneaky redirects, reporting your competitors, or negative SEO.

Aug 10, 2021 Like it
Vikas Yadav


White hat SEO techniques are heroes — tactics that work within search engines' terms of service to improve a site's search engine results page (SERP) rankings. Black hat SEO techniques are villains — tactics that may get a site higher SERP rankings, but are unethical and violate search engine guidelines.

Aug 10, 2021 Like it
Liz Seyi

Digital marketing manager

Black hat SEO refers to techniques and strategies used to get higher search rankings, and breaking search engine rules. Black hat SEO focuses on only search engines and not so much a human audience. ... White hat SEO refers to the use of techniques and strategies that target a human audience opposed to a search engine.

Aug 10, 2021 Like it
Julia Smith

Julia Smith is a professional digital marketer at

White Hat SEO implies every one of the moral exercises you accomplish for advancing your site. For example, making appealing substance, adding high traffic catchphrases, making the site quick and portable amicable, and so forth

Then again, dark Hat exercises or non-moral exercises incorporate, posting copy content, watchword stuffing, covered up text or secret connections, slippery sidetracks, detailing your rivals, or negative SEO.

Aug 9, 2021 1 Like Like it
Clay P.

Affiliate Manager

White hat SEO means all the ethical activities you do for promoting your website. Such as creating attractive content, adding high traffic keywords, making the website fast and mobile-friendly, etc.

On the other hand, black hat activities or non-ethical activities include, posting duplicate content, keyword stuffing, hidden text or hidden links, sneaky redirects, reporting your competitors, or negative SEO.

Aug 6, 2021 2 Likes Like it
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