What is the definition of God?

Posted by Md Rezaul Karim
Sep 8, 2015
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Comments (62)
Chuck Harduby


God IS Love....nothing more needs to be said.

Jul 18, 2012 Like it
Saeed Afridi

Online Marketer

True Defination Of ALLAH you find it in HOLY QURAN "SURA IKHLAS" this is the true defination of ALLAH

Jul 16, 2012 Like it
Dominique NEBOUA


God is creator and ruler of the univers.

Jul 16, 2012 Like it
Duati Sobarudin


definition of God depends on how you place it in your life,,, but the actually He is more on the creation of all beings which is too limited in everything, while God is not bound to space and time, because he created all things, ...

Jun 11, 2012 Like it
I Nyoman Suparta


God is the creator of nature and its contents, the Lord is Ruler of all life on earth. Human can only try and pray, in the end it all depends on the power of God

Jun 7, 2012 Like it
Alvin H.

Writer for Hire

I believe the definition of God is very complex and cannot be answered with our perceptions, because we as humans, are finite and God is infinite. Can we truly comprehend infinity? We only compute knowledge of what we are informed of and infinity is is everything, always, both in and out of time. Are we able to compute being outside of time? God is the architect of life, the creator of heaven and earth and the solar system and both physical and spiritual worlds. There are just so many things tha

May 27, 2012 Like it
Lancelot Windsor

Spiritual Leader

. This should sum up the definition of God in a nutshell.


May 25, 2012 Like it
Jackson Funchal

Tecnico em telecomunicações

God is one who is beyond all our imagination and what we know about is only what he told us, because if we knew what it is he would not be GOD ........

May 22, 2012 Like it
Buy Great Products

Affiliate Marketer

It's not true that God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three different entities. They are one. If they are three different beings then three Gods are exist, this is not according to the Bible mr. Cambridge. I think you missed something reading the Bible.

May 22, 2012 Like it
Cambridge C.


If you subscribe to the belief that God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three essences in one, everywhere and nowhere, so large that it can fill the universe yet so small that it can dwell in your heart, then you are not going to like this answer. If you do not believe that Jesus Christ came to this earth as the Only Begotten of the Father, then you are not going to like my response. If you believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ then you might. If you are willing

May 22, 2012 Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

@ Rouru. I think we would all have to agree with you... Believe It Or Not! For a definition of God is only ones inner and deepest beliefs. There is no set value of written word that could never raise a debate on this subject. Here's an excerpt from Dictionary.com "the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe. " There are other noted definitions too but at the end of the day do we believe. Yes we do in our own unique way...as I believe in a Universe,Galaxies,and Solar Sytems

Apr 18, 2012 Like it
Rouru Vaevae Pare

Online Marketer

There is no language and words in Heaven and Earth that can truly define God, real or unreal or truth or untruth it is what it is, hey Trev?

Apr 17, 2012 Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

Nice Orma I like the mind power reference...

Apr 16, 2012 Like it
Orma Moore

Internet Marketer

I believe God is a greater mind. As we are like little minds connected to the greater mind
we are all conected to each other.
Spirit is of the mind not some mysterious invisable soul.
The mind is everything and we are not even aware of how much our minds can do.
I believe that greater love is what makes for a heavenly experience within the mind and
hate can plunge one into the realms of hell.

Apr 15, 2012 1 Like Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

@Madan I have to say I think it is ok for us all to share our opinions and indeed definition for the fact that we are spread wide around the globe and it is interesting to really hear what peoples views are based on their teachings and beliefs. Yet I do realise that it can also be a very sensitive subject. One thing I was taught many years ago as a young salesperson was 3 things to avoid in engagement of conversation with a client/customer... was Politics, Religion, and Sport...very sensitive s

Apr 14, 2012 1 Like Like it
Md Rezaul Karim

Asst. Prof.

God is the only one.

Apr 14, 2012 Like it
Lancelot Windsor

Spiritual Leader

The Almighty is a spirit and should be worhipped in spirit and Truth. HE is Omni -Potent, Omni -Present and Omni- scient.

Apr 13, 2012 1 Like Like it
Madan Chinta


We can't define God. Please don't study here and there for such definitions. Experience the truth. Explore God.

Apr 8, 2012 Like it
Saeed Afridi

Online Marketer

WHO IS ALLAH! you can see the definition of ALLAH in Holy Quran in Sura IKHLAS...this one is the best definition of ALLAH

Apr 6, 2012 Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

Brilliant statement Benedict... And I still think we are on topic. Perhaps because the definition and purpose of God by some religions is something that is carefully crafted to manipulate mankind. This is why I partake in none... yet I do believe in God !
Question for all: What religion and teachings have you received that instill in your mind the Definition of God? I was actually baptised in Church of England shortly after birth, but I had no say in the matter.

Apr 4, 2012 Like it
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