What is Apsense's comparative advantage over Facebook and other social networking sites?

Posted by Tem Tee
Nov 13, 2012
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Comments (8)
eMarketing Media | Kent S...

iMarketing Advertising Strategies

Hi Cheri, I agree with you about FB; I have had some sales from that channel but not as much as other social networks. ~ Kent

Nov 13, 2012 Like it
Cheri Faline

Help + Mentoring

People don't go to facebook expecting their friends to sell to them. They go to Facebook to share mostly connect with friends and family.

I know people do buy from Facebook, that is not what I am saying, I am talking about their frame of mind. They aren't there to buy.

When people come to Apsense and similar networks their frame of mind I believe is first to sell but they are totally open to buying if it improves their online business portfolio.

They are also wanting to learn from others how

Nov 13, 2012 Like it
Rose Frankie

Internet eBusiness,

Suhas hola wanna to be friends like me to join in your community

Nov 13, 2012 Like it
Suhas Sajgure

Internet Marketer

Facebook does not offer Daily Missions to earn credits as well as we can promote our business in effective through the apsense.com.

Nov 13, 2012 Like it
eMarketing Media | Kent S...

iMarketing Advertising Strategies

Advertising on FB can become quite pricey for little to no ROI and one's marketing effort! ~ Kent Stewart

Nov 13, 2012 Like it
Rubu Tubin


Facebook being one among many social networks, it just helps us in connecting with people. It is not that easy to find people with same interest and motives in facebook unless you are one of their friend. Not every one profile is opened to public in facebook. Apsense is not only a social network but also a business network. Besides connecting and befriending with like minded people, you can grow your business here.

Nov 12, 2012 Like it
Josh Hennion

Team Leader with S.F.I.

Facebook does not offer Daily Missions to earn credits which you could use to advertise on your Facebook Fan Page

Nov 12, 2012 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

My 1st item. APSense doesn't post in my behalf.
My 2nd item. It is more targeted.
My 3rd item. I can earn points and have freedom to do as I please.
My 4th BUT MAIN ITEM!!! My contacts and friends on APSense are much closer than my FB friends when it comes to networking.

Nov 12, 2012 Like it
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