A wearable phone or phone extension that links to an existing smart phone. Some wearables are phones in their own right although most function better as a call / text alerter. Some also include a speaker / mic so that you can take and make calls by talking to your wrist (very Dick Tracy).
Technology is taking leaps forward every year. Technology is no more limited to certain gadgets; instead, our own watch is getting technological. Android wear is the version of Google’s Android operating system that will find their place in the smart watches and other likewise wearable.
Comments (8)
Irfan Haider
Irfn Haider
In simple words a smart watch
Diana Dimitrova
start make money today
Rajeev Rajagopal
Android Wear was announced in March as a version of Android for wearable technology such as smartwatches.
Steven Lucas
Webmaster, Marketer, Author, Tech,
A wearable phone or phone extension that links to an existing smart phone. Some wearables are phones in their own right although most function better as a call / text alerter. Some also include a speaker / mic so that you can take and make calls by talking to your wrist (very Dick Tracy).
Shekhar C.
Digital Marketer
Android whear is a modification of the SO Android, prepared to be executed on whearable devices, like smart watches.
Steven A. Donaldson
Native speaking English teacher
Nice but i'd still rather be a Panda! ;---)
Inwizards Inc
Offshore Software Development Outsourcing
Technology is taking leaps forward every year. Technology is no more limited to certain gadgets; instead, our own watch is getting technological. Android wear is the version of Google’s Android operating system that will find their place in the smart watches and other likewise wearable.
Daniel Villalon
Network Marketer
Android whear is a modification of the SO Android, prepared to be executed on whearable devices, like smart watches.