What are some things i need to remember in starting my own home base business?

Posted by Samantha MahMi
Apr 18, 2012
1 people like it
Comments (11)
Otoabasi Umonting

Marketing Consultant & Coach

Focus is very important. If you have found your niche already, then do your best to learn more about it. Avoid getting yourself distracted by trying to know everything at once. Find a mentor (Someone who is already making it, and has a proven track record); learn from the person, and apply what you learn.

Just like Michael Dell said, pick one program and master it, before heading on to another one. Multitasking might seem like a good thing, but it'll thwart your efforts (I'm speaking from exper

Apr 18, 2012 Like it
Samantha MahMi

Internet Marketing Consultant, Network Marketer

Wow everyone thank you so much for such great feed back... bows to you all and respect for taking the time to answer.... have a awesome rest of the week.

Apr 5, 2012 Like it
Michael Dell

Internet Marketing Coach

Don't fall for the "shiny object syndrome" pic a good program and master it then move on to another, take it one step at a time and don't overwhelm yourself.

Apr 5, 2012 1 Like Like it
Nancy Yager


Find someone in the industry to follow who will take the time to answer questions. Also if they do video, this is an added plus.

Apr 4, 2012 Like it
Md Rezaul Karim

Asst. Prof.

Always measure the calculated risks, and cut your coat according to your cloth.

Mar 30, 2012 1 Like Like it
Toya Christie


Be careful how much money you pay and what programs you join It's better to have multiple income streams and go with trusted co.s and upgrade or pay for advertising only if you think its legit and will give you the advertising and the program will pay out

Mar 30, 2012 1 Like Like it
Samantha MahMi

Internet Marketing Consultant, Network Marketer

Thank You Hamed and Oakley... I am excited about learning something different and i have been looking and studying different programs that i feel are helping me even sale offline, and thanks for the tips at Alison.com... very cool... Have a awesome day..

Mar 29, 2012 Like it
Katrina O.

Indiana Water Filters

Take your time and do things right. Use what you already know. Online Sales and marketing is not much different from doing it offline. Be social and get to know new people. Take a few online courses in Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, etc. Alison.com is a free learning resource with courses in these fields.
I think as you get more into internet marketing, you will find that a lot of offline marketing skills can be applied. I also agree with Maria, it is vital that you researc

Mar 29, 2012 1 Like Like it
Samantha MahMi

Internet Marketing Consultant, Network Marketer

Thank you so much for your help Ms. Maria....

Mar 28, 2012 Like it
Maria Fiore Pilon

Water The Source Of Life

One thing I know you should do is always check if the company your doing business with, is not a scam or fraudulent. You make yourself a good contact list, so you can offer your product or service. Find out which demographic population you need to hit for your promotion. Making friends with some of the business people on ApSense.com, or any other business social network where you can communicate with, so that you can get more informative business questions answered. You can always contact ApSens

Mar 28, 2012 1 Like Like it
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