Your right Warren.. I must fess up I am a dummy when it comes to computers... I had never heard of your method..... NOTHING!... I am still in wonderment of that. But then it does not take to much for this pea brain to wonder at oh so many things.
@Cindy I am not surprised at all. The reason is NONE of them work 100%, so people are always switching. Once an attack is successful that person starts looking, so everyone wants a piece of that pie.
Is anyone besides ME surprised at all of the options available to choose from>
Free.. Paid.....
And a zillion products from A -Z to choose from...My head is swimming just thinking about all of the different ones.. Once again thanks to ALL who have posted here with what they use it is wonderful information for ALL!!
I use Avira as Antivirus.I think it is easy to install and use.It gets updated automatically at the time of starting of computer if the computer is connected with the internet.So,according to that it is useful and one thing more first it detects the virus with its type and then shows a warning whether to delete the virus or not.Therfore it is required by me.
I use Avira Antivirus for my PC.It gets updated automatically if the PC is connected to the internet.You may download its free version and it will protect your computer fully.So, get attached to Avira through your PC.
Thanks for all of the wonderful comments and suggestions. I had no idea there were so many options to choose from.... I have chosen to renew my Avast......!
There are no great AV's out there if i am honest. The variation of Virus's out there is much like the common cold in humans.. evolving all the time. Yes the AV's will catch them and get rid eventually but for the few days you are exposed, that's when the damage can be done!
Comments (74)
Cleaning Window
Marketing Consultant
I use Avira Antivir an antivirus for my pc.It is useful and gets updated automatically as internet is connected.
Fajar Rahadiyan
Web Designer, Marketing
I used avast free edition. Eventhough free edition, avast give best for my pc.
Support CLTE
CEO, web designer
I use AVG and it works just fine
Cindy Bolley
Your right Warren.. I must fess up I am a dummy when it comes to computers... I had never heard of your method..... NOTHING!... I am still in wonderment of that. But then it does not take to much for this pea brain to wonder at oh so many things.
Warren Contreras
Old Retired Guy
@Cindy I am not surprised at all. The reason is NONE of them work 100%, so people are always switching. Once an attack is successful that person starts looking, so everyone wants a piece of that pie.
Cindy Bolley
Is anyone besides ME surprised at all of the options available to choose from>
Free.. Paid.....
And a zillion products from A -Z to choose from...My head is swimming just thinking about all of the different ones.. Once again thanks to ALL who have posted here with what they use it is wonderful information for ALL!!
Junard Campos
IT Professional
I am using MSE free edition it's good for me, thanks...
Maitreyee Dey
SEO Executive
I use Avira as Antivirus.I think it is easy to install and use.It gets updated automatically at the time of starting of computer if the computer is connected with the internet.So,according to that it is useful and one thing more first it detects the virus with its type and then shows a warning whether to delete the virus or not.Therfore it is required by me.
Crystal House
Marketing Consultant
I use Avira Antivirus for my PC.It gets updated automatically whenever needed if the PC is connected to the internet.So, I think it is very useful.
Kishor Meswani
Windows Security Essentials does the job well.
Sahil Sharma
Website Designer
I use Avast.... Its good
Eco Vista
Marketing Consultant
I use Avira Antivirus for my PC.It gets updated automatically if the PC is connected to the internet.You may download its free version and it will protect your computer fully.So, get attached to Avira through your PC.
Chuck Bartok
Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
I have been VERY happy for many years with Kaspersky
Cindy Bolley
Thanks for all of the wonderful comments and suggestions. I had no idea there were so many options to choose from.... I have chosen to renew my Avast......!
Ruchika Bansal
Business Developer
I am using Norton antivirus from previous 1 year..It is really good
Stuart H.
Web Designer
There are no great AV's out there if i am honest. The variation of Virus's out there is much like the common cold in humans.. evolving all the time. Yes the AV's will catch them and get rid eventually but for the few days you are exposed, that's when the damage can be done!
Henry Desouza
Author/Developer/technical support
Using McAfee for last few years
Yogesh S.
Avast Internet securities
Trisa Technologies
SEO, Web Designing & Web Development
I use Webroot SecureAnywhere. It is a paid service. I pay 39.99 per year. Works great.
Berinka Online
Owner (
I am using Avira Antivirus