Paid Vs Free Traffic...Can you Recommend The best of the best?

Posted by Neha- UpdatedReviews
Mar 19, 2017
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Comments (8)
Paul Nulty

Promoter, Coach & Web Xplorer

It depends what you want to achieve, free traffic is great, however usually when you spend money for traffic you can amplify your results and have more traffic faster. I'm using some free viral marketing methods and some paid methods too.

Mar 19, 2017 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

If you find a way to get a regular update with proof of earning in front of a small concentrated targeted group and keep it up month after month all for free, there is no way you can lose anything but a little time.

Mar 18, 2017 Like it
David Decredico

Top Digital Reviews

The difference is.. Most of my payments come from free traffic sources. My paid traffic sites are SLOW and STUFFY.

Mar 14, 2017 Like it
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

You'll do best with organic traffic. Get to know your potential customers/referrals and find out where THEIR interests are before throwing your link at them.

So saying, if you want to go either the free or the paid route, there is really not much difference in terms of results. One out of 1000 visitors will make some money for you either way. At least with free traffic you're not throwing your hard-earned cash away looking for that 1 in 1000.....

Mar 14, 2017 Like it
Bruno Duarte

Global Internet Entrepreneur

Paid is the fastest way. I use solo ads to build my list. Always get my money back, get new subscribers everyday and make money on the backend. Simple and effective.

Mar 14, 2017 Like it
Dan White

Independent Internet Professional

Organic traffic is GREAT!, however if by free traffic you mean other free methods, then the quality is not so good. PAID traffic = money in the bank (if you know how to use it)
and EVEN MORE MONEY IN TE BANK if you know how to pay less for it. Check Out My REV PAGES and ARTICLES for the best of both worlds!

Mar 14, 2017 Like it
Gloria Philips

Expert Blogger

Both are good. Only get from authentic source.

Mar 14, 2017 Like it
Adam Alvin


Organic traffic is better then the paid one, because we do not need to spend any money for getting visits for our website. Only need a good SEO strategy to achieve it.

Mar 14, 2017 1 Like Like it
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