Sudeshna D., I don't agree I know of one guy who had less than a sixth grade education yet he is worth hundreds of millions. He has some of the smartest people in the world working for him. Thanks for the share.
Честно заработанное богатство-это удел людей целеустремленных, умных, и последовательно идущих к своей цели. Такие люди не сдаются ни при каких обстоятельствах: часто спотыкаясь и падая, подымаются и идут вперед. Богатства могут достичь только трудолюбивые и целеустремле
Aaron Harris, EXACTLY! I live in a rich neighborhood and I have a loft downtown with up and coming rich physically I speak to more rich people than not and they all have the same gear of doing things.
I wrote a question here on AP of how much work will a person do (basically) and more than half gave the excuse for less than 2 hours. Now I do understand if they have jobs and that's all the time they have but most of them are here or FB all day so...the people I know even if they don
It doesn't always boil down to that. Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they are smarter than anyone. Usually it's focus and being in the right place at the right time.
Comments (11)
Mike G.
Galina Gozhenkova, Это было лучшим ответом на Apsense!
Mike G.
Sudeshna D., I don't agree I know of one guy who had less than a sixth grade education yet he is worth hundreds of millions. He has some of the smartest people in the world working for him. Thanks for the share.
Galina Gozhenkova
консультант "сибирское здоровье"
Честно заработанное богатство-это удел людей целеустремленных, умных, и последовательно идущих к своей цели. Такие люди не сдаются ни при каких обстоятельствах: часто спотыкаясь и падая, подымаются и идут вперед. Богатства могут достичь только трудолюбивые и целеустремле
Sudeshna D.
Website Promoter
I think yes, because capability includes smartness.
Mike G.
Aaron Harris, EXACTLY! I live in a rich neighborhood and I have a loft downtown with up and coming rich physically I speak to more rich people than not and they all have the same gear of doing things.
I wrote a question here on AP of how much work will a person do (basically) and more than half gave the excuse for less than 2 hours. Now I do understand if they have jobs and that's all the time they have but most of them are here or FB all day so...the people I know even if they don
Mike G.
Anne Green, thank for your share.
Mike G.
Mary H., it also can mean that they aren't afraid or lazy to do what it takes. Thanks for the share.
Dogkennels D.
Each achievement life way is different.
Aaron Harris
Web Traffic Expert
No. They are just more focused, persistent, never stops trying, never quit and never been discouraged.
Anne Green
Sales Manager
Sometimes yes, sometimes not. Being rich relies on many conditions and smart is not the decisive one.
Mary H.
Social Network Marketer
It doesn't always boil down to that. Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they are smarter than anyone. Usually it's focus and being in the right place at the right time.