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Comments (90)
Shweta K.
Dear All,
I think face click will never helpful to generate the traffic of your site.So to genrate the traffic and bussinss we should belive in qualitative work rather than quantitative work .
Abdul Rehman
Online Advertisor
Thanks To Mr Neville.
Darshika Prakash
I don't think team promote is waste of time for honest persons. It is a good way to increase our earning. Honest people and real promoters always get success with it.
Muhammad humayun
online jobs consultant
i have lost $13 here i think here in apsense wasting time to promote the campaigns if you are leading the admin disable your account. so i suggest all my friends leave the campaigns and the time they waste here spent on other good opportunities.
Neville Dinning
Independent Consultant
Questions: Are your "workers" likely to be interested in the product you are promoting? Are they just clicking to get paid? The Team Promote Terms do not allow getting clicks "by explicitly asking people to click ". I hope the money you spend is good value. Your account is being enabled.
Free 2Breath
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Huhuy... wasif malik, you are so funny :D
Emma Stone
Seo Specialist ,Smm,logo designer,
My special regards to Mr. Adma that he is very good and honest worker. My best wishes are always with him. But my friend my suggestion to you is that pleases save your promotional link and blogs, because there is some real fake people who are damaging the image of apsense and makes treble for honest people.
Well i was blocked in team promote, and I know that who is behind this. And this time I m not blaming to anyone. It is Free 2 breath. He is a real fake worker. His statement shows that he
Adma Aprilian
2 days ago I received a private message from a promoter, and I do not respond him.
I think this way, including cheating. But I will not report this person to anyone. I am not going to justify myself to blame of others people.
if you ask, where I get a click ? I am also infolinks publisher, I can get up to 400 clicks in one day.
Emma Stone
Seo Specialist ,Smm,logo designer,
i know u behind me bcuz neville dinning disable my account 2 3 days ago.people dont know my account is i use proxy im not online yesterday ....anyway's i just warn u dont do again dont open my blog bcuz i m leqave u understand wht i m saying...if i m fake God(ALLAH) not help me...u cheating with me ..then GOD(ALLAH) give me project..project related to seo u know what is amount ............... leave it..thats y i say i m not dis pointed..........
Free 2Breath
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...And Justice for ALL by METALLICA ...... YEAAAAAH.... :D
Emma Stone
Seo Specialist ,Smm,logo designer,
My friend told me that I have 170 eps in last campaign. It is unbelievable. Because I was not online today, and I was shocked that how is that possible even I don’t promote the link today? But I think I know who is behind this. My special suggestion to my friends like Abdul Rehman, Shahid Mehmood,Shazada usman, Shahid shah, and Akhtar Hussain to save their promotional links as well.
Navellie, sir I m not disappointed because yesterday I send you all of my clicking sources. Sir if am fake then
Neville Dinning
Independent Consultant
Readers of this question please make up your own mind about the discussion. To help you do that here is some extra information. This question was asked when some Promoters were ahead of Wasif (dj designs) on the list of top EP earners on a TeamPromote campaign. Now that the campaign is completed, Wasif is the leader. In the last stages of the campaign Wasif got 20 clicks in about 1 hour. All of those clicks came from a blogger blog with just one link to the campaign. The last 10 recorded IPs are
Free 2Breath
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@wasif malik or @dj design or whatever you are: hide behind admin and site owner!? nothing more to say, it's worthless...!!!
Emma Stone
Seo Specialist ,Smm,logo designer,
bad news for fake worker ...admin work on teampromote for changing ...this is great news for reall worker thanks admin you do this...................:)
Akhtar Sajid
Web Designer
Sri you are tooo baby hahahahhhaahahahahhaahahahahahaha bye cheaters
Emma Stone
Seo Specialist ,Smm,logo designer,
yesterday i m online just 2 hours in apsense...bcuz some special guest com to my home .......otherwise i m online in apsense 16hours .....
Emma Stone
Seo Specialist ,Smm,logo designer,
i just send my all answer to admin and site owner....
Free 2Breath
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So wasif, please answer them, sorry to say this, cos you personally mention me and all your competitors like Velli and Ross Frangky as Team Promote Cheater too, I see last result of your eps last night is 27eps, that's when your not online, but when you are online, you able to increase your eps to 56 now, that's not an auto pilot way, so what did you do with your eps, did you asking other to "Please Click the blue button" like you did before in your APSense campaign and Cyber Real Estate update?
Emma Stone
Seo Specialist ,Smm,logo designer,
and sorry sri n i cant tell you how i got clicks.................
Saeed Afridi i agree with you .......and i like u comment ....
Emma Stone
Seo Specialist ,Smm,logo designer,
Sri n .....
u know who ask about this question ....this is my question... u just chat with shahid ...and ask who ask u about this question...if i am fake worker i cant send this type question....few days ago i just chat with site owner ..and give him all proof about my work..he understand me...
Mister humayun whats problum with you wht u say i m selfish...i just do my work...u need my help add me in skype