How often would you comment here if you got PAID every time you did?

Posted by Warren Contreras
Sep 18, 2016
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Comments (10)
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

How could it possibly get worse than it already has?

Nov 25, 2015 Like it
Robert Hebel

Website Traffic

I agree with Patty as I only try to post comments that bring value and can help people. There is just to many people who would abuse the system and there would be to much spam coming from people who would just want to get paid.

Oct 17, 2015 1 Like Like it
Patty Scheeler

Integrity Networker Owner

It would not change how many comments I made. I base my comments on trying to help or bring value because this is a social site. With that said I would not like to see anyone get paid for comments. There is already enough garbage and spam here. I believe it gets away from the "social" aspect of this site.

Oct 15, 2015 Like it
Adam Smith

One stop solution for all Technical

Yaa. There will be more comments if that happens.
But I know, many of them will be pointless spam comments

Oct 13, 2015 Like it
Oswald Rodrigues

I'd comment on every damn thread if I got paid. But so would every spammer and e-whore trying to push their so-called "escort services". It would be a logistical nightmare for the admin to decide who got paid and who didn't. Speaking of the admin, he seems to have abandoned the site long ago. So forget about getting paid - you'd be lucky if the admin actually reads anything posted here!

Oct 13, 2015 Like it
Isabelle Esling

published author-certified teacher-

I'd comment more often, but I'd chose on which topic to respond...I'd also choose to respond intelligently, not in a spammy way.

Oct 13, 2015 Like it
eFactor Digital

Web Developer

Yes. There will be more comments if that happens.
But I know, many of them will be pointless spam comments too - few users will just comment anything to get paid.
So you need to keep comment moderation facility too - to filter out the bad ones.
But overall, it'll of course help to increase no of comments.

Oct 13, 2015 Like it
Franto Hruz

Online Income Systems Development

You'd end up with a specialized "Article Marketing Web Site" ... not a bad idea for your next project - it could be quite successful on its own - not so much as part of APSense

Oct 12, 2015 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

I agree, but if moderators decided who got paid and who got dumped, it would have a chance. It would certainly increase activity and that brings in more advertising dollars to support it.

Oct 12, 2015 Like it
Franto Hruz

Online Income Systems Development

In theory, it may seam like a good idea ... in reality, the comments would be, more often than not, of highly questionable value, from types only interested in getting paid ... would you agree? Better start your own blog, Warren ... lol

Oct 12, 2015 Like it
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