How Friendships Impact Your Life?

Jan 24, 2023
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Sahid Khan


its relevant and good solved my queries

Jan 24, 2023 Like it

Internet Marketer

This influence might be relatively trivial,

but it might also have a more significant impact.

For instance, it can affect how you choose to spend your money,

such as buying more things,
going on more vacations,
or saving for a rainy day...

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Vins Health

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Friends alleviate isolation and loneliness while also providing you with the opportunity to provide needed company. Friends can also help you feel more connected and purposeful. Increase your pleasure while decreasing your stress.

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Anuj Oza

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Friends are important in life because they support you in bad time also in good time.

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Increase your sense of belonging and purpose. Boost your happiness and reduce your stress. Improve your self-confidence and self-worth.

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Our friends influence us subtly yet powerfully!

That Influence can be negative or positive. For example, if you hang out with people who order potato skins and other greasy appetizers while gossiping,

you’ll soon find yourself joining right in.

If, however, you hang out with people who order healthy food and talk about
uplifting subjects, you’ll assimilate these behaviors.

If you want to possess certain traits,
the best way to start is by hanging out with people who already possess

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(we are the average of the five people we associate with the most)
your closest associations—your “reference group”— can determine much of your success in life.

think about how friends influence your life?

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How do friends influence your life? Do you think your friends have a positive influence on your long-term well-being?

Consider how friends influence your life and whether that influence is positive or negative.
The people with whom you closely associate are critically important because you inevitably end up talking, reading, eating, thinking, watching, and otherwise doing things like them.

How do friends influence your life? Do you think your friends have a positive influence on your long-ter

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Please do share what you found useful - Thanks,

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for general educational purposes only. They may or may not be relevant to your particular situation;

If you need help with an emotional or behavioral problem, please seek the assistance of a psychologist or other qualified mental health professional.

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A strong social network is associated with a healthier and longer life. Much research has shown that people with friends and supportive family are less stressed and are physically healthier.strong social connections often increase people’s lifespan.

Given the many different ways your friendships affect you, it’s important to be intentional when choosing friends.

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Now take a look at the dark-side of the wrong friendship's also important to protect yourself from those who may ultimately leave you feeling alone and unsafe in the world.


Many people whose willingness to be open to others was forever changed by the betrayal of a close friend.

Similarly, when people spend time with friends who gossip a lot,
they understandably tend to feel less trusting of others.


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Friendships in the present influence the nature of your friendships in the future.
So, while finding and keeping supportive friends is essential to being happy,

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Friends can influence each other’s lifestyles, such as their eating habits and how they prioritize exercise. These kinds of decisions can directly affect your health and happiness.

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This influence might be relatively trivial,

but it might also have a more significant impact.

For instance, it can affect how you choose to spend your money,

such as buying more things,
going on more vacations,
or saving for a rainy day...

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So, keep this in mind; choose your partner and friends wisely.

Friends influence each other’s personal preferences and lifestyles. When friends share music and see each other’s clothes or decorating, their tastes can rub off on each other.

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Friends affect the ways that you think and feel about yourself. How your friends think about and respond to you will, over time, have a strong influence on your perceptions of yourself.

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Back in 1999, a group of researchers found what they called the Michelangelo effect.

That is, when you’re coupled with a partner who sees you, already, as the kind of person that you’d like to become,

the relationship will have a positive influence on you because it helps you become more like your ideal self. You can also expect a similar effect from close friends,

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Friends are important – they give us a feeling of belonging, bring fun and laughter, lend an extra hand, offer emotional support, and give guidance when you need it.

Jan 12, 2023 Like it
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