Robin Ratliff I was with .ws I like the back office I like to save alot of people that their mentors left behind. The only issue I had was the commission was so low.
I use Social Media. I also support my SFI down line by reassigning new members FREE to their teams for their participation. I run a monthly competition adding 3 members to a rotator I promote monthly.
As you know only, since only 3% of all your visitors will ever make a purchase - and that's considered a very good conversion rate. You need to get email addresses of your visitors.
An email marketing list is infinitely more valuable than any advertizing campaign. Because, while only 3% of your visitors will consider a purchase on average, the average email capture list will gather email addresses from 30% of all unique visitors.
To begin how to market your business effectively, check out this list of tactics :
1. Make it look good.
2. Create a website.
3. Create straightforward, easy-to-understand pricing.
4. Encourage personal recommendations.
5. Maintain good employee relations.
6. Use the press.
7. Do a referral exchange.
8. List creatively and widely.
9. Maintain a customer database.
10. Make a marketing plan.
By advertising it. You can advertise it in local papers, magazines, social media, TV, radio, website, email and of course through letter or word of mouth.
email marketing by safelists,webpage,social marketing,and many articles writing about my product, traffic exchange for pulling more visitors and more....
law of attraction... not everyone wants what you have ..but everyones want to see what others have ... make them come to you..attract them and you will get where you want
I think everyone that put in some great places to use to help newbies in their business. I think if someone would of told me this in the beginning it would of helped but me make money faster. One thing I would like to add is to take action on a few of the above marketing stay consistent master one or two then move on.
I use ApSense to promote and write all my blogs. I am upgraded. I then go and promote all my Rev Pages at the traffic exchanges I belong to. Great way to build my down line.
Comments (35)
Hop Trieusung
Welcome to new marketer
Join to all social media and talking about it and using many good traffic for pulling to ......
Raymond Richard
Team Player
Robin Ratliff I was with .ws I like the back office I like to save alot of people that their mentors left behind. The only issue I had was the commission was so low.
Maree Wells
Designer and Guru Team Leader
I use Social Media. I also support my SFI down line by reassigning new members FREE to their teams for their participation. I run a monthly competition adding 3 members to a rotator I promote monthly.
Raymond Richard
Team Player
This is a great source of information.
Omar S.
Super Internet Marketer Advisor
As you know only, since only 3% of all your visitors will ever make a purchase - and that's considered a very good conversion rate. You need to get email addresses of your visitors.
An email marketing list is infinitely more valuable than any advertizing campaign. Because, while only 3% of your visitors will consider a purchase on average, the average email capture list will gather email addresses from 30% of all unique visitors.
Georgia Downey
Web Marketing Professional
To begin how to market your business effectively, check out this list of tactics :
1. Make it look good.
2. Create a website.
3. Create straightforward, easy-to-understand pricing.
4. Encourage personal recommendations.
5. Maintain good employee relations.
6. Use the press.
7. Do a referral exchange.
8. List creatively and widely.
9. Maintain a customer database.
10. Make a marketing plan.
Raymond Richard
Team Player
Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. I will share them with my team. I like to try just a few not to get overwhelmed.
Omar S.
Super Internet Marketer Advisor
Building your network in social media is a great way to enhance your brand as well as promoting your business.
Linda Paulk
Professional Internet Marketer
I'm doing television, social media and safelists. I also promote my business locally through direct mail and the Chamber of Commerce in my town
Szabolcs Titko
Working on future
Try the marketing method of Tina Ben. :)))))
Shadie O.
Online Marketer
By advertising it. You can advertise it in local papers, magazines, social media, TV, radio, website, email and of course through letter or word of mouth.
Shadie O.
Online Marketer
Yes. It's possible. Provided your sponsor is ready to help you and show you the ropes.
Hop Trieusung
Welcome to new marketer
email marketing by safelists,webpage,social marketing,and many articles writing about my product, traffic exchange for pulling more visitors and more....
Xaralampos Xaralampu...
make the best of it
law of attraction... not everyone wants what you have ..but everyones want to see what others have ... make them come to you..attract them and you will get where you want
Raymond Richard
Team Player
I think everyone that put in some great places to use to help newbies in their business. I think if someone would of told me this in the beginning it would of helped but me make money faster. One thing I would like to add is to take action on a few of the above marketing stay consistent master one or two then move on.
David W.
I help people make money on Apsense
Social media, blogs, safelist and email marketing gets god results.
Robin Ratliff
Check out my website Tom, at: It's awesome.
Tom A.
Internet Marketer
I use some TE's but mostly through word of mouth with contacts I make at the various sites I use where contacts can be made.
David Decredico
Top Digital Reviews
Advertising of any type. Banners, text, hot links, classifieds, login ads and more.
Maree Wells
Designer and Guru Team Leader
I use ApSense to promote and write all my blogs. I am upgraded. I then go and promote all my Rev Pages at the traffic exchanges I belong to. Great way to build my down line.