That would have to be taking tentative steps with sourcing products to auction on eBay. An activity that continues to this day. I started out about 10 years ago and it did not take long to discover that it is possible to find things that are in demand.
In the early days there were many very pleasant surprises when an item that I thought might be of interest to people in an obscure niche has taken off and reached a surprisingly high selling point.
Mike, thanks for this opportunity do some thinking about where I have been in my online "business" activities and wondering about where that will head in the future. What I will do is look back over some of my contributions here at APSense to help give a picture of that progress.
If someone else can gain from my experiences that will be a bonus.
First up, a little quote from an early article published here at APSense.
"As a long time educator (usually called a teacher) I have always had a p
I would like to end this by saying I am an admirer from a far and that it is pleasure to see a man of your quality doing business amongst the muck and confusion. Thank you so much for your time!
Comments (15)
Mike G.
Carmen, I have read some books of some people that I have not known and have learned so much from...thanks.
Carmen C.
I can not answer because I do not yet know positively dinning Neville
Neville Dinning
Independent Consultant
First experiences at making money online?
That would have to be taking tentative steps with sourcing products to auction on eBay. An activity that continues to this day. I started out about 10 years ago and it did not take long to discover that it is possible to find things that are in demand.
In the early days there were many very pleasant surprises when an item that I thought might be of interest to people in an obscure niche has taken off and reached a surprisingly high selling point.
Susan S.
self employed
good article and give inspiration
Mike G.
Neville, take as long as you need...I have plans for each answer that will enhance the learning to all those whom seek real knowledge...thanks.
Neville Dinning
Independent Consultant
Mike, thanks for this opportunity do some thinking about where I have been in my online "business" activities and wondering about where that will head in the future. What I will do is look back over some of my contributions here at APSense to help give a picture of that progress.
If someone else can gain from my experiences that will be a bonus.
First up, a little quote from an early article published here at APSense.
"As a long time educator (usually called a teacher) I have always had a p
Mike G.
I would like to end this by saying I am an admirer from a far and that it is pleasure to see a man of your quality doing business amongst the muck and confusion. Thank you so much for your time!
Mike G.
Without revealing too much can you tell us your future goals?
Mike G.
What has been your best moments online?
Mike G.
What would you say are some of the pitfalls today and how to avoid them?
Mike G.
How has this changed your life if it has at all?
Mike G.
What all have you ventured into and what is your main business(es) now?
Mike G.
When did you first jump a board with making money online and how was your first experience?
Mike G.
I see you were a professional educator in the "real world" sort of speak. How has that helped you in the business world of the internet?
Mike G.
Neville, I would like to thank you for your time to share with myself and others.