They will extend the term of the loan to lower your monthly payments, but they will make money from it by charging you a service fee, which will ultimately raise the amount you pay on interest
You should understand just one thing - they can relief - but you will pay more. You should first of all answer this question to yourself. And then check any other variants.
Comments (4)
Pradeep Rajput
Construction equipments
I agree with Mr. Steven A. Donaldson
Franto Hruz
Online Income Systems Development
They will extend the term of the loan to lower your monthly payments, but they will make money from it by charging you a service fee, which will ultimately raise the amount you pay on interest
Steven A. Donaldson
Native speaking English teacher
student loans are one of the biggest scams in modern history
Boris Siomin
Affiliate Marketer
You should understand just one thing - they can relief - but you will pay more. You should first of all answer this question to yourself. And then check any other variants.