Do You own or have you ever owned a REAL business on or offline?

Posted by Joe Sansoucie
Sep 28, 2012
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Comments (67)
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

Phillipe and Teodor are both right with your patience to review answers Joe...and Phillipe should have also mentioned the "vote" button at the top right side bar...its there for a reason and more people should use it besides social bookmarking.

Sep 19, 2012 1 Like Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

Not sure if Joe is really trying to place a sales copy technique approach with his link provided.. and @ Teodor you gave a fab and honest as well as successive declaration and I admire your offline expansion in a physical world. I have founded and owned my own business way before the Internet Evolution in Painting and Decorating..(one of my naturalistic talents) and I have bought into a Franchise to operate as an independent contractor (great for creating a certain lifestyle but wasn't expandabl

Sep 19, 2012 1 Like Like it

i work in the transportation business as well. Good money there if you know how to find it :P

Sep 19, 2012 1 Like Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

@Mainsah @Olivier - Yes exactly! On or off business is business. In order to succeed in business you must have skills like:

1. How to manage your inbox.
2. How to properly communicate by email.
3. How to wash traffic and build a list of prospects for your business.
4. How to build a relationship with your prospects.
6. How to generate massive traffic daily to your lead generation system.
7. How to evaluate programs products and services and avoid the scams.
8. How to

Sep 19, 2012 1 Like Like it
Oliver Sayers


Yes I own a business for the past 20 years. It is in the transportation sector. I never had to put out an advertisement until I bought into the idea of making money online. That is when my main challenge arose. To succeed online is a numbers game especially when it is referral base.You can have the best product, the best advisement and traffic but if you do not have sales ;' crapo smoke ur pipe....' .This is where the bulk of the failure lies.But many people are shying away from matrices of that

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Mainsah G.

Photographer, blog designer, freelance

Owning a business online is the same as owning a business offline. If you are a bookshops and could not plan on which books to sell at what time, then certainly you can not make any money. Imagine when pupils are goind back to school and you start selling Xmas gifts cards and stories.

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

Exactly, at some point I think professionals get tired of those who are not looking to run a legit business. Explains why 98% of the people trying will eventually fail when they find out it's not easy to succeed. Doing business online is a serious challenge with very little winners. If you're not in it to win it, you will lose your way and quit. This doesn't mean that every business succeeds because of course not all do. I really want to work with pros like I find here on Apsense, like you

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Osaretin G.

System Administrator (Operations)

Yes i own a Business center to provide business solutions.

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I guess we could say this kind of discussion helps us to see who's in it for real. I agree to keep commenting, it will keep appearing on our news feeds. As long as we have things to say, of course lol

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

@Phillippe Yes for sure, FB TW G+ Ning ImFaceplate Linkedin etc, all good ways to get more exposure! True, if it doesn't promise 10K they aren't interested, of course I am not sure they can be considered True business owners lol. Running a business is not easy no matter what the hype on the webpages say. It takes time, patience, knowledge, constant education, and the drive to stick to one thing until you reach the goal. Like they say keep you eye on the ball! :-) This is a good thread lets

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

@Mark I like it! Everyone teaches how to make money or run a business, no one teaches you how easy it is to fail!

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

To stir the pot, Joe, remind people to share the thread on FB, TW, G+, wherever they want it to be seen :)

What Teo says in unfortunately true, many will see the question and pass, since it's not about how to make $10,000 in 30 seconds

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Mark Roland

Small Business Solutions Provider

Yes I have and I was considering teaching how to fail in business 101

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

LOL I know but hey this is the super highway! Everything happens in minutes lol :-) Just wanted to stir the pot a bit. :-)

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I agree with Philippe, I think there are many more real entrepreneurs here on Apsense, but they haven't seen yet or will never see your question, or even many wont answer even if they have seen it.

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Joe, you're jumping to conclusions a little fast saying that only a handful of people have a business. Your question has been around only for a few hours and you are connected to 518 members at APSense, so only them and the ones connected to the people who responded to the question got a chance to see the question, and that's if they were logged in at APSense today. People from Australia have been asleep for a few hours, as well as in many Asian countries.

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Above were presented my offline businesses. Online I have tried my own PTC business but it didn't resisted on the market because of lack of clients/advertisers. I am restarting the online advertising business with a totally new concept. Will let you know about it later when the launch of it will be ready.

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Congrats to those who own a real biz on or offline and also to those who try harder to find a way of working online or even starting a new biz. My short business story: started back in 1988 with my own marble processing workshop, continued in 1990 in the USA with a small gift shop in the downtown of Detroit, then back in Romania in 1992 have opened a business consulting company and in 2003 the construction company Austrocasa in Romania, then in 2011 Austrocasa International Ltd. in Varna, Bulgar

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

For those of you who have a real business, you really need to check out the new Brand Page Pro, it's amazing! Check out mine! Perfect for on and off line businesses in the small to medium size. It is already getting Google exposure in just days...

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

I can't believe that out of 180K members here on Apsense that only a handful have any experience at all in running a real business.

Sep 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
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