Do You own or have you ever owned a REAL business on or offline?

Posted by Joe Sansoucie
Sep 28, 2012
11 people like it
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Comments (67)
Hylton Nickisson

Business Owner

I currently run my own transport business, I courier everything. I am located in Port Elizabeth area. I am working on contract basis. Lots of time and effort put into to it and pateince is definitely needed.

Sep 28, 2012 1 Like Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

Thanks Phillipe and Teodor... and Teodor I agree the failure rate in a solely offline business is indeed around the same percentage. great to hear you survived by making that online recognition to stay ahead... back to Phillipe and I have stated on a few occasions the use of Apsense should be treated as a marketing tool not a direct revenue generator.

Sep 23, 2012 Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

@ Teodor - Yes having your own website keeps you on your customers radar. Companies that take advantage of the technology to increase their business are following the right business plan and will continue to thrive even during the toughest times.

Sep 23, 2012 Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

@ Chuck - "We never chased money, focusing instead on delivering VALUE" Yes now if only we could teach people online how to deliver the value instead of chasing us with the latest scams... Good post thank you for joining in! :-)

Sep 23, 2012 Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

@ Rob - That is the one type of advertising and promotion which is priceless. My hosting provider, had half his client tell vaporized on 9/11. He did not go out of business due to the power of word of mouth caused by doing a quality job delivery value to the customer. Excellent Rob! Thank you for joining this discussion.

Sep 23, 2012 Like it
Rob Burns

IBO, CEO, Dealer, Direct Sales

To answer your question Trev, Yes. I own a construction business that my father owned for over 30 years and is all a referral base business. I never had to promote this business publicly because of the quality craftsmanship our company put's into our work.

Sep 23, 2012 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

Haven't done anything else BUT have our own businesses for past 50 years. I cam on line after a massive Coronary (about time APSense started and was appalled at the amount of false information about being in Business.
So I have focused on creating products that can help others enjoy the Freedom being able to work "7 days a week" doing WHAT YOU love to do!
We have had some terrible upsets and exciting successes over the years but one thing is constant....the enjoyment of being self-directed and t

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Well, Trev, here's Teo's thread about making money at APSense. Search for the question: "Can you share with us how do you make on Apsense?"

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

@Trev, in offline business is about the same. Over 95% fail. Being in construction business, I've survived to this huge crisis only by having a company website; most of our old construction biz friends are bankrupt. So, online marketing helped a lot the offline biz!

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

@ Teodor..I look forward to your knew topic...making money on or by using the Apsense network was never the intended question. Joe is quite right and as much as people refuse to admit the truth...97% will fail at online marketing..

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I upgraded to pro but was't all time. Still wonder which are the ways to make money here so I will open aanother topic because I am interested in making money online not only offline.

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

True unless Wincer is participating. :-) Sorry Trev, okay back on topic. :-)

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

the question of making money from Apsense is irrelevant here

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

@Teodor Well, yes and no. If someone joins and immediately upgrades and maintains that upgrade, they earn a very nice commission for every referral that upgrades from their promotions as an affiliate marketer. Will it make you money fast, well that depends on if you can locate proven buyers and bypass the freebie seekers using your traffic and sales funnel in record time. It could take 5 years or longer, or it could happen quicker depending on your network marketing skills.

Teodor is right o

Sep 22, 2012 1 Like Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I am on Apsense from its beginnings. There is now way to make real money here at Apsense, but it helps to make money by marketing and promoting your business. Apsense doesn't pay you for being present here, you must pay fo it, or be a free member. The only way to be paid by Apsense is to use some of the addon tools, such as the talent tool or clicking on ads, but you migh become much older than you are now if you wait for getting paid for these. It took me 5 years to get the minimum payout of 50

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

@ Runu - Yes many members make money here at Apsense. Please answer the question this discussion is about. Thanks and welcome to Apsense.

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

@ Henri I guess the best way to put it in this phrase. "the cost of doing business".
Yes a real business should have a local business license, and of course you will have to pay your taxes on the money you earn, keep track of sales, and of course a business plan and marketing/advertising budget is included in the list. Perhaps a line of credit?

Does the Internet relieve us from these responsibilities?

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

@ Sean Absolutely awesome response! Business owners or if you will, real business owners look at the web as an extension of their vision. Where you work from makes no difference for example, a truck drivers office is the drivers seat where they spend the most time. A wider and quicker marketplace is an awesome type of leverage.

For instance in the catalog business, you first order the catalogs, then package them, then ship them to your leads. In some cases the company does all that, you jus

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Sean North


There seems to be a misconception about what is a online or offline business as all if savvy should be operating in both

Even a percieved online only real business operates in both if you are working it from home a offline presence is always involved be it your kitchen table or a wharehouse or offices,

I see the internet as a tool and by trading online I have access to a wider and quicker marketplace and interaction with both long standing and new prospective customers

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Rubu Tubin


Does any members make any money from apsense...?

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
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