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Comments (38)
Warren Contreras
Old Retired Guy
I know this is an OLD thread, but my answer is still the same. You need to learn to use any tool before it become valuable to you, so look at
I added 5 new PAID members to a website I promoted on Traffic Swirl just in the last two weeks, so don't tell me they don't work!
Teruyuki Ikeda
website owner
Yes, I do. Someone else can recognize the merit of your websites and drop in at them. I think that it is a useful tool for referring others and promoting your online biz.
Gina J.
I love TE sites but you have to work hard to find an attractive landing page and best headlines last time i use it i got about 3 sign up every day for a month for a program i was promote all you have to do is take it in serious way and work hard that's it
Sylvia Guillemette
Publisher, Advertiser, Writer
Yes, I use the same ones everyday. If you are consistent, you will find that they will bring you people into your business, service or product page. I get a lot of subscribers to my ezine this way.
The ones I have found work best for me are: Traffic Ad Bar, Tabzi, Traffic Splash, High Hits, HitsBoosterPro, Traffic Delivers, and Barbarian Hits.
Warren Contreras
Old Retired Guy
The main problem I see in this thread is most people never get beyond the quick try stage and reach the automated exposure that is available. I have tens of thousands in credits banked that I didn't buy or click my fingers to the bone for, only because I learned HOW to use traffic exchanges first, before I wrote them off as a waste of time. It's no different than someone who builds a list and blasts them with junk opportunities daily, complaining that they don't work either. Even when cultivated
Joe Henning
Your Profit Connection
I wish I had $10 for every hour I've spent on Traffic Exchanges...! I would for sure be traveling a lot more, but I sadly found very little positive ever happened and yet I must've done something wrong, considering MichaelAp Clayton's comment and James Bonham's. Will definitely have a look at James' profile. I also feel that I was sucked into the whole idea that TE's could work by a well meaning friend who absolutely believed that he will be duplicating what MichaelAp Clayton did....... but he h
Stuart H.
Web Designer
Traffic Exchanges have worked well for my campaigns in the past, but maybe this is because i was advertising something they wanted to click and also to use.. ie other traffic exchanges, making money opportunities etc..
Stuart H.
Web Designer
Traffic Exchanging can only work well if you are adverting either, other better traffic exchanges, affiliate links to other traffic exchanges to gain referrals, or money making programs that are free to join, ie adfly or type programs.
Trev Pearman
IM Coach IMMACC mbr
Terry I personally look forward to that...My Interest will be in time spent accumulating trafifc and traffic to list versus list to conversions. I still believe they are a waste of precious time.
Terry Warner
My Leads Call Me
I went back and surfed some more TE's and received 3 hits. I am starting to understand it a little better and am not so negative.
Being a senior citizen, it is an avenue I have never used before and took some getting used to.
I will keep working them a little and see how I come out.
Trev Pearman
IM Coach IMMACC mbr
some great comments coming in... and I like Nicks comment... however for those that have spent time mastering the use of TEs well "good on em" I personally do not like them you can get a lot of false opt-ins they just want to scrape content as well as your credits being chewed up quickly just for the sake of the open so they gain credits... you play a huge numbers game. Competition is fierce and if your not buying credits your time will be wasted if you cant afford to buy. Perhaps I have a misc
Sameer reza Khan
website designer, enterpreneur
i think i dont get traffic from here... Instead of my clicks.
Mohan Sankaranarayan...
Mkrg.Consultant,Online Marketer,ECA
Start Building Your Automatic Income To $11,000+ Monthly Residual In 4 Months! Using Our System We Call ..." How You Enroll As Many New Members As You Like! " Our Team Averages 10 Signups In 2 Weeks
Joe Henning
Your Profit Connection
I have been using Traffic Exchanges for many months and truly does not know why I bother...
Terry Warner
My Leads Call Me
I will probably use the one on APSense because it is readily available.
Terry Warner
My Leads Call Me
Well, after joining 6 TE's and surfing on all of them, I am not impressed. I have a higher value on my time and I become disappointed in my surfing results.
I will stick to article marketing and my web blog and my ezines.
If you use TE's, that is great but it is not an avenue I care to go down.
Roosevelt Evans III
Home Business Entrepreneur
I hate TE surfing but traffic exchanges can be very effective in getting referrals, leads and sales.
Warren Contreras
Old Retired Guy
Being from the Northwest USA where there are lots of trees, this question reminds me of the farmer who purchased a new chain saw because the salesman told him it would help him cut more firewood. In a few days he brought it back complaining it was too much work and slowed him down, so he wanted his money back. The store owner came over and took it into the shop where he started it up to see what was wrong and the farmer asked the salesman, "What the heck is that noise?". It's obvious why the cha
Lokesh Kapoor
Digital Content Creator
Yes, I do. Traffic Exchange is a good system to promote your business online. It really works very fast.
Nick Terracciano
Most people, who use traffic exchanges, are only interested in their own products. You spend all day just clicking, after a while it becomes a blur. Better learning about targeting traffic. It’s a better use of your time.