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Comments (9)
Todd Perry
Honest ways
Philippe, For the most part you are correct, However if you are mailing to a "Credit Based"safelist that gives you a ton of credits it does not mater what the subject line or email says you CTR will be very low.
example if you sign up to a safelist and you get 10000 credits for signing up and they only have 500 members chances are your average CTR will be about .10% and by average I mean over 5 mailings or more.
Now there are some exceptions to this because I am a member of one list that I h
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Todd, thanks for sharing your info about CTR percentage, it gives us an objective.
One thing I wonder: could we say the audience is not necessarily the same from one safelist to another? So CTR could be different for the same offer.
Todd Perry
Honest ways
Joe, The question is in reference to credit based safelsit not ezines and mailing to them. Your answer was however very informative thanks for posting it.
Paula van Dun
Yes indeed its worth spending time on. It applies also for Traffic exchanges and any other program that has a downline builder. At the same time I am setting up an excel sheet to copy/past from
Randy Howard
Website & Web Application Designer
I agree with Todd when it comes to the amount of credits being given. It is important for owners of these site understand that credits is a form of e-currency it has value. Whether you are paying a monthly fee for access to a site or are buying credits directly - the credits received need to valued to the amount being spent to obtain them,
When more credits are given, it devalues the credits making them worthless.
Marketers need to take these things into consideration and not be fooled by the
Joe Sansoucie
Advertising Your Business Is My Business
The downline builders are very powerful and worth the time to fill them out. Pick your best paying 25 and add them to your programs list at your favorite downline builder. ;-)
Paula van Dun
Yes I do. Currently focussing on building my TE which is my main list basically and building downlines in listbuilders and TAEs. In the process of catching up with something I never bothered to do in those, fill out IDs and adding my own programs. It will probably takes me weeks to complete, I do a few every day. But I think it will pay off.
Joe Sansoucie
Advertising Your Business Is My Business
More is better so you can potentially reach more people with every send. However, I have run ads using ezines and have only found a hand full that deliver great response for reasonable price. Some of them are in the $1,000.00 dollar range for one send to say 800,000 people which is pricey to say the least. However our super solo type ads are also expensive in many ways. The ezine ad did very well, the super solos do ok. The main difference is the ezine ad went out to actual readers who look
Todd Perry
Honest ways
In almost all cases yes a credit mailer with a large number of members is better. Where this fails to be the case is when the mailer gives out to many credits, Then there is no reason for members to click for credits.
There are mailer that have over 10000 members that give me at least a 1% click through rate, That is 100 people looking at my site within hours of me sending the mail.
I am a member of a lot of list that have 5000+ members and only get about 0.14% CTR and I might mail to them onc