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Comments (36)
Bruce Bates
Cooperative marketing
because they are not dads. And dads are awsome cause they are not moms.
Mikela Belly
Digital Marketing
A mother… sees all, says little. Sacrifices all, complains little. Gives all, expects little. All she wants is her child to be happy – that’s what I’ve learnt from all these years. Thanks for everything, love you mom.
The job of a mother is more important than the job of any CEO in this world. CEOs run companies, mothers change lives. CEOs make good employees. Mothers make CEOs. I love you mom.
If my life had to be fit in a single selfie, it would be incomplete without my mommy.
I am n
Anubhav Yadav
Digital Marketing
Thanks for sharing your valuable views :)
Rachel Willy
Marketing Manager
@Rubi, You have answered very well. I totally agreed with you.
I don't think that there must be a reason for Mom's to be the best. All Mom's are hero's and are the best. May God Bless all mother's of this world.
Anubhav Yadav
Digital Marketing
Thanks to all for your valuable views.......
Linda Blackwell
Home Business Consultant, Affiliate Marketer
Some of them are. Some of them are not.
Mary H.
Social Network Marketer
All Moms are not awesome. Some are from HELL and makes your life miserable. I think you are lucky when you are born to caring loving parents that truly love you without conditions.
Sawa Group
Civil Engineering & Construction Services
Because she is the source where true love originates...
Charlotte Alexander
Because Mom Is God for every child
Anil Gangwar
Anil Gangwar SEO Freelancer India
only unselfish true love...cares always
Sawa Group
Civil Engineering & Construction Services
Because she shows that what true love is in actual.
Emma Jhonson
My Life My Rules
because moms are moms. Mom has 2 hearts one is normal one that everybody has and other one in her head instead of brain.
Anubhav Yadav
Digital Marketing
Thanks to all for your valuable comments and likes.
Mr Peter
Peter Smith
all the mom are great , as they care and luv us through out all her life .. luv u mom
Rummy Online
Because mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place noone else can take
Anamika Singh
Mom is the gift of God.
Pixlogix Infotech Pv...
She never stops learning.
Christopher Kozlowsk...
Mom are the only person in the world who works for 24 hours without any pay..!!
August Swift
Telecom Engineer
Every Mom in the world is great and awesome
Alina Jones
Support Executive
You can tell right away when a kid is happy, adjusted, and secure in their relationship with their mom, and it's the moms of those kids that have helped me glean my knowledge on what makes a good one. That, and my own amazing mom, but I will try to keep my personal bias (SHE IS THE BEST THOUGH, just saying) out of this.