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"APSense 2025 sounds like a game-changer for businesses, emphasizing innovation and growth."
— Satisfied APSense Member
Comments (20)
Jason Hubbard
International Counselor
Because we're not here to provide any service to the customer. Like it or not, we're at ApSense to gain more customers and to provide them service when we have them 'trapped in our OWN webs!'
Favour Kens
i love you
Hi, my name is Favour and I would like to be your good friend, if you do not mind, please write me this email address ( )
Adnan Osmanovic
stage manager
I say only this. Google Chrome browswer is the sh..t, ops...
Kishor Meswani
All in all, it calls for major revamps to improve ratings. Can someone do online analysis professionally to find out factors contributing to low rating PLUS more importantly SOLUTIONS. I am sure Admins are not ignoring and doing something more PRO-ACTIVEly.
Paula van Dun
I also think that the huge amount of outbound links influence the rating negatively. Plus there are still a lot of bogus accounts where bots are publishing respinned rubish. However there is a lot of quality as well. I found wonderful contacts here. And there is no other network with so many possibilities to build and brand a business than APSense. As for the advertised programs, there are bad ads on 99% of the networks I know where members can advertise free. As far as I know there are no other
Arianit M.
Internet Marketer, Graphic Designer, SEO Fan is also suggesting that the site has a low reputation. I think maybe it is from all the spam, and the articles that are not review before publishing.
Ivan B.
webmaster,web developer
Thank you all for your explanations, im new here i just wanted to know why is that ranking that low..i also see this page like great socilal community where you can connect with great individuals with many ideas to share...thanks all
Umeckzki Rebarakaz
IT Consultant, Web Developer
Agreed, Jehobit..I think thats one of the reasons. thanks for sharing, anyway..
jehobith :)
web designer, logo design
Most likely because APSense links to sites that search engines have deemed to be lacking in quality, this will have a negative effect on their trust rating. APSense has control over these outbound links and the more users that post links to crappy irrelevant sites is not going to help their trust rating..
Tony H.
@ Warren I agree I have stayed with APSense for about 3+ years now and never knew of the ratings that's being spoken of because I have alway's viewed it as a international site for connecting with some fabulous individuals and a great marketing tool.-Thanx for sharing everyone:)
Saboor H.
ethical support / SEO Expert / Web
some time problem google chrome........!
Warren Contreras
Old Retired Guy
I don't know the answer, but I will form my own opinions based on my own experience thank you. Sure there is a LOT of junk on here, but it's still a great place to meet the kind of folks that can push my efforts to earn extra money online even higher.
Aditya S.
Consultant and Internet Marketer
I like Apsense. I am a member since Feb 2010
Umeckzki Rebarakaz
IT Consultant, Web Developer
webutation rating is 40 (means bad or poor)
I have no idea why it's happened :(
Margo Dae Johnson
Mom, Consultant, Writer, Affiliate
I don't really think that anyone I personally connect with adds "get rich quick" programs, as they are usually very honest about what your profitability margin is but your right Google may think those links are untrustworthy and that could definitely be why.
Ivan B.
webmaster,web developer
maybe because most offer get rich programs, traffic exchanges that google dont love, and even click on ads programs, wich by my own opinion is unethical, for advertisers and publishers..thats not Google ADSense safe, and also the other advertising network shouldnt approve..
moj R.
Team Leader
Yea even scamadviser said for apsense: Low Trust Rating. This Site May Not Be Safe to Use.
Ivan B.
webmaster,web developer
maybe because traffic exchange addon, there is offered clicking on ads and similiar things..
Yogesh S.
Internet Marketing Professional
No idea...Apsense admins should look into this matter.
Margo Dae Johnson
Mom, Consultant, Writer, Affiliate
Seriously? I am going to look that up right now:(