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Comments (24)
Isabelle Esling
published author-certified teacher-
Let me answer from a writers point of view: you need the gift and the can always develop your craft, but of these two are mandatory:)
Brian Qt
Great imagination power is only effective if it can be able to put into action and work.
Meenu Choudhary
Web Master
In my opinion great imagination power
Juyee N.
Administration Professional – Education/ Print Med
Good knowledge in vocabulary and intelligent thought process.
Joel Raja Kumar J.
Internet Marketeer
The basic qualification is the ability to imagine creatively and be a dreamer. You can write only if you can dream.
Vps Malhotra
Free Lancer
By writer I suppose is meant an author who puts content forsubject ofhis choice orcompusion According to me to be awriter one must have adesire tobe one and thenmusthave flairfor writing and enjoy his writter all thissaid anddone one must persuehisinterst inwwriting asper hisown bentofmindandmust get trained andacquire theskillforwritingasonediesforacquireforaprofessionmust persevsevere and must hope
Jeffery Mason
Published Writer
"Writer" is a subjective term that varies person to person, like being "good" or "responsible." Some people consider it to be writing every day on a schedule, while others consider themselves writers because they like to write personal, unpublished poems.
Instead of asking others for an answer, it's best to define the term for yourself.
Annamaria Alemany
Working Online from Home
Have a passion for writing. Have something to write about, don't just write for the sake of writing. Know how to use words (even though when one is inspired the words seem to flow). Know your grammar.
Sachin Pal
yoga and peace
Sachin Pal Every one who is in this world is a writer this is personnel exp every person is having a writer inside and we can search it only through meditation
Jakkie I.
I write a lot and what has kept me going in my 8yrs of writing is PASSION!!! Writing is not just something you dive into if you want to make fast money or else you hate it. Again you must be creative, broadminded, outspoken, and fluent in English. Why English? With English language, you can communicate to people all over the globe.
Sriram Raj
Professional Blogger
Good in english, knowledge about the topic are the basic requirements of the writer.
anil gupta
To be a perfect writer writing must be your passion.
sunil a.
I am a blogger
One should know his/her niche and expertise. Command over language and grammar are necessary but not mandatory as long as one knows to express his/her views.
Md Rezaul Karim
Asst. Prof.
To be a writer one should be interested and have to have knack for it. Writing is a creative art and required solid state of mind and cognitive knowledge. Moreover, education has no other alternatives.
Alex W.
Writer, Researcher
IMHO, the most important thing is a proper knowledge of the language you are about to write on. As for the knowledge of the topic, you can get facts right from online and just rewrite them or something like that.
Enoch D.
I think all that is required is been able to speak and read !!
Anthony Caruana
I am a business man.
I would say that apart from the above mentioned, one would need a desire and love of writing so that enthusiasm and zeal for your subject comes across to the reader.
I would say that it is always best to keep writing simple and straightforward, as complicated language with words and phrases that are difficult to understand, may prove to be tough-going for the majority of readers who would be more likely to give up trying and move to another writer that is easier to understand. That's my op
Towel Warmer
Consumer Electronics
Know the words limit, density of keywords and the tittle relevancy.......................
Charlie White
A full-time TRUE FRIEND.
It depends from person to person, & in what field/category/subject U want to focus on, & of course in which language U are planning to write. Remember, no one or nothing on earth can teach U how to be a good writer. Even creative writing courses are to make your 'writing talents' stronger, & not to teach U how to write. So, my 'advice' would be, follow your INSTINCTS, & never give up. Great writers lie William Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy & Charles Dickens did not become famous or 'great' in a sing
anil gupta
Knowledge of subject and some power of imagination is must for writing work.