What Are Some Questions Teachers Should Ask Parents?
Single Choice Poll
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What do you see as your child's greatest strengths or skills? ...
0.0% of voters
What do you see as your child's biggest area for improvement? ...
0.0% of voters
How would you describe your parenting style? ...
0.0% of voters
What is the best way to communicate with you? ...
100.0% of voters
How would you describe your child's personality?
0.0% of voters
Total voters: 2
Comments (1)
Taylor Reed
Experienced Education Mentor
To design learning activities that will be meaningful for the child, teachers need to talk to parents to know the student's strengths, areas of interest, and learning/academic profile. Such questions reveal problems in performing tasks, behavior, and social competencies and accordingly identify support needs. Interview about home practice, communication, and family expectations regarding child education.