Effective Ways To Stimulate Hair Growth for Men

Posted by Sakshi Jain
May 17, 2024

Hair loss can affect men of any age. If you want rocking buzz cuts or luscious locks, you must have thicker and healthier hair growth. This is only possible if you get the root cause of your hair loss diagnosed and opt for hair fall treatment in South Delhi, provided by a dermatologist. 

So to put an end to all the hair-related concerns of an individual, Skination dermatologist has brought a perfect solution for people seeking those tips that work in boosting one’s hair growth.

Let us take a look at what causes hair fall in men and also learn more on treatments that can help stop hair loss in men with Skination dermatologist. 

What is the main reason men go bald?

  • Hair loss can happen due to multiple factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, stress, acute illnesses, or maybe even hospitalisation.

  • The other reasons could also be nutritional deficiencies, infections, autoimmune disorders, and so on.

So if someone is experiencing extensive hair loss issues, then it is better to seek proper medical help from the best skin clinic in Chhattarpur, Skination.

The hair treatment doctors at Skination clinic, Dr. Rajat Gupta or Dr. Swati Aggarwal, provides some effective hair fall control treatments. These treatment approaches can help in providing stimulation to that hair growth and will make one feel confident in their mane.

Now let us take a detailed look at their ways and what happens in them.

Which treatment is best for hair regrowth?

Hair Regrowth Treatment Methods Available at Skination

  • Treatment with the help of medicines

Hair loss in initial stages of life can be treated with the help of taking medicines but it does depend upon how dense the baldness has got or its pattern as well.

  • Treatment by getting hair transplantation done

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that works well by extracting hair from a hair loss resistant area and putting it into the bald portion.

  • Treatment using hair weaving technique

It is a non-surgical process of fixing a patch of natural hair in the portion where there persists baldness. The patch is attached carefully for the existing natural hair to be merged.

Other treatments like mesotherapy, PRP, and microneedling are also performed at the clinic for hair loss management.

So stimulating hair growth is all about taking care of oneself from the inside out. With the right hair fall treatment in South Delhi by the experts, one can surely achieve a head full of hair!

For more detailed information on hair transplants, hair regrowth or any other hair-related concerns, visit the Skination clinic and meet the hair experts Dr. Rajat Gupta or Dr. Swati Aggarwal for more details.

Real Results hair regrowth Treatment

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