Best Ways To Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Posted by Sakshi Jain
Mar 28, 2024

“Are you dealing with stretch marks? Are they bothering you? Our advanced treatments can help minimise them! “

Stretch marks are scars that occur when the skin stretches rapidly. These marks develop due to sudden changes in weight or rapid growth during pregnancy or puberty. Although stretch marks are considered permanent, they usually fade over time. Stretch marks are painless and appear as purple or red stripes, which usually fade into white, silvery or glossy lines. However, some individuals do not like how their skin looks with these stretch marks, especially when they are severe and cause social damage. Fortunately, there are certain treatments available that can help improve the appearance of stretch marks.

This article will first delve into what stretch marks are and their causes. We will also outline some effective treatments that help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Dr. Rajat Gupta and Dr. Swati Agarwal, renowned skin specialists, have shared their inputs on drafting this post. The expert doctors practice at Skination Clinic and are well-known for offering the best stretch mark treatment in Faridabad. Let’s understand more about stretch marks first.

What are Stretch Marks?

A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our skin either stretches or shrinks. Due to this, the elastin and collagen rupture and a scar is formed as the skin heals. They most commonly appear in areas where the fat gets stored, such as the inner thighs, arms, knees, abdomen, and back.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Following are some of the common reasons that cause stretch marks:

  • Rapid Changes in Weight: Stretch marks appear in both weight gain and weight loss cases.

  • Pregnancy: Almost every woman experiences stretch marks during pregnancy; they usually fade and become less noticeable between 6-12 months post-birth.

  • Puberty: As our body goes through many changes and experiences rapid growth, stretch marks are common at this stage.

  • Medical Disorders: Certain medical conditions, such as Cushing syndrome or Marfan syndrome, lead to stretch marks. Marfan syndrome causes a loss in skin elasticity, but Cushing's disease may cause the body to generate a specific hormone at a greater level, resulting in rapid weight gain.

  • High Level of Cortisol Hormone: The fluctuation of cortisol, a stress hormone in the body, might affect the skin's elastin fibers as cortisol could convert to cortisone and affect elasticity.

  • Genetics: If an individual has a history of stretch marks, there is a high risk for the family members to develop them.

  • Gender: Females are likely to develop more stretch marks than males.

Are you dealing with stretch marks on your body and want to eliminate them? Visit Skination Clinic, the best skin clinic in Faridabad, for effective treatment. Let’s discuss how we can get rid of stretch marks.

How Can I Get Rid of Stretch Marks?

Like any other scar, stretch marks may never totally disappear, although they tend to reduce over time (maybe years). They impact our skin's appearance, disfigure its natural appearance, harm our self-esteem, and cause cosmetic issues. Treating stretch marks with products available at an online store may not provide effective results. So, if you want to get rid of stretch marks, it is best to seek help from a skin specialist who can provide effective treatments. Some of those include the following:

1. Creams, Lotions and Gels That Contain Retinoid and Hyaluronic Acid

Retinoids (vitamin A) can help reduce the appearance of early stretch marks. Products such as tretinoin (retinoic acid or synthetic vitamin A) assist in rebuilding collagen protein and improve the appearance of scars.

2. Microdermabrasion

This method helps produce elastin and collagen and reduces the appearance of stretch marks. By exfoliating and eliminating the top dead layer, microdermabrasion rejuvenates the skin by building new cells.

3. Laser Stretch Mark Removal

The laser stretch mark removal allows the skin to regenerate healthy tissues and stimulate collagen growth and healthy skin cells. The type of laser used depends on age, location of stretch marks, and skin colour. The excimer laser procedure eliminates thin layers of the skin around the marks and uses high-energy ultraviolet light. This breaks the bonds in skin issues and causes the tissue to disintegrate. Post-treatment, new layers of healthy skin will form.

Other Ways to Prevent Stretch Marks 

  • Hydrate: The body requires sufficient intake of water to function properly. Staying hydrated also helps the skin retain its elasticity, which is important in preventing skin from becoming stretched and too thin. 

  • Moisturise: There is no magic cream which can absolutely prevent stretch marks. However, keeping the skin supple may make the individual less susceptible to developing stretch marks. If stretch marks develop, moisturised skin will respond better to the treatment. 

  • Eat Nutrient-Rich Foods: Eat nutritious food that gives the skin the vitamins it requires to improve its health and elasticity. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and healthy fats.

Final Takeaway 

Stretch marks are usually caused by puberty, changes in weight, pregnancy, weight gain, etc. The online products can be expensive and might not provide effective results. If you find yourself spending too much money on these products without getting any results, you can seek the help of a skin specialist. Dermatological procedures have proven effective in helping individuals get rid of stretch marks.

You can consult Dr. Rajat Gupta and Dr. Swati Agarwal, renowned skin doctors, at Skination Clinic to get the best stretch mark treatment in Faridabad. Expert doctors use advanced lasers to help minimise the appearance of stretch marks. The advanced technologies, type of equipment and state-of-the-art facilities make Skination Clinic the best clinic for stretch mark removal. 

For more details on stretch marks treatment or to know the treatment cost, visit the clinic today. The cost of stretch marks treatment will vary from individual to individual and will depend on various factors. These include the areas treated, the severity of scars, the type of procedure used, the type of technology used, and so on. 

To know the exact cost, visit the Skination Clinic today. 

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