What are the Different Types of Fogging Machines and Their Uses?

Posted by Neeraj Pujari
Jan 20, 2023

COVID-19 is a hazardous situation, and we identify that you, your family, and your employee’s health and welfare are at risk. One thing that has come out of this is the development of fumigating equipment, especially fogging. Fogging was once believed to be only used in agriculture or bug management, but it has now progressed into one of the most well-organized ways to clean the spaces where we live and work. Fogging offers strong and reliable conclusions in combating communicable bacteria and viruses all over us, thanks to recent scientific advances and ecologically sustainable solutions.

Thermal Foggers:

Thermal foggers made by Fogger Machine Manufacturers use warmth in the fogging process, as the name suggests. Thermal foggers use warmth to evaporate a fogging solution, which is then sprayed out as a mist. Contingent on the kind of fogger, thermal foggers have a heated barrel that is preheated to high temperatures consuming propane gas or electricity. The fogging solution is a flush that is instantly evaporated as it is pumped into the heated barrel. This permits the fogger to create a thick layer of fog by creating a huge number of atoms on a relatively small scale.

ULV (Cold) Foggers:

ULV stands for ultra-low volume, and these foggers are great for vast parts because they can squirt up to 15 meters at once. ULV Cold Foggers are dependable apparatuses that can be used to carefully apply antiseptics to manage and remove bacteria, viruses, smells, and even mold and mildew. The ULV Cold Fogger distributes a large amount of air and produces aerosol microns of dampness, permitting the user to homogeneously distribute antiseptic solutions to surfaces and the atmosphere. Cold clouding means are used with a ULV fogger. Foggers are fitted with engines that produce a high-power, low-pressure air stream to yield mist into tiny droplets. The particle size shaped by the ULV fogger can be adapted to generate precise-sized particles, permitting the fogger to be used in a wide array of applications. ULV foggers can also be used both indoors and outside since they hire cold fogging approaches and are not heated to high temperatures.

Thermal & ULV Fogger Droplet Sizes:

The scope of the particles shaped by thermal and cold foggers differs depending on the fogger’s model. Thermal foggers can produce tiny atoms, averaging in the 0.5-10-micron range, while ULV foggers produce larger atoms, averaging in the 5-30-micron range. Thermal foggers use a heating process that supports them to generate very tiny atoms, as small as 0.5 microns, that can pierce very small spaces both indoors and outdoors. A dark and heavy layer of fog is fashioned by evaporating insecticide or another solution. Since the fog fashioned by a thermal fogger is noticeable, it is conceivable to help monitor the fog’s direction. Contingent on how the fogger is used, various ULV foggers can produce different-sized droplets.

While a thermal fogger can emit extremely small atoms, their size is adjustable, resulting in atoms ranging in size from 0.5 to 30 microns. ULV foggers can deliver a very unvarying particle size, and the atom size of these foggers can be altered by changing the flow rate.

This is predominantly useful if you intend to fog several parts or use the fogger for several motives, such as eliminating mildew or smells indoors or ending insects and other pests outdoors. ULV foggers often use less diluent, permitting them to yield more efficient fogging solutions, and lowering the price of certain chemicals.

Uses of Thermal & ULV Foggers:

Both thermal and ULV foggers bought from Fogger Machine Manufacturers are used to shower out either water or oil-based fogging mixtures, and their application is alike in several respects. Insect deterrence, scent and mold control in indoor surroundings, fumigation, insecticide application to plants, rodent control in workshops, and other connected applications use all kinds of foggers.

Thermal Foggers Uses:

Mosquito and insect control: Thermal foggers are operative for mosquito and other small bug protection because of the small dews they release. The best drop size for leech control is 5-20 microns, which most thermal foggers produce. 

Controlled outdoor fogging: Since the fog produced by a thermal fogger is thick and clear, you can more precisely monitor the fogging direction. Outdoor fogging can be better controlled as a consequence of this.

Fogging congested regions: Due to its small atom size, the fog fashioned by a thermal fogger will reach into very thin spaces such as floor holes, fissures in walls, and similar areas indoors, as well as thick trees, long grass, high treetops, and other difficult-to-reach outdoor parts. ULV foggers, on the other hand, do not use a lot of warmth during the fogging process, so they can be used indoors without producing a fire hazard.

ULV Foggers Uses:

In every inside location: ULV foggers, as formerly said, use cold obscuring methods and are therefore suitable to use indoors.

For redolence management and fumigation: ULV foggers are often used to clean homes and large granaries, as well as to control odors in these settings. As contrasting to thermal foggers, ULV foggers can be left to purpose on their own and do not need constant human intervention.

On plants and conservatories: Since ULV foggers permit particle size alteration, they can also be used to spray numerous solutions on plants outside or in conservatories.

To get free of molds: Mold is often eliminated from indoor spaces using ULV foggers and special elements.

Insect control, both inside and out: ULV foggers made by Fogger Machine Manufacturers in India are the most influential indoor Bug control tool, but they can also be used outdoors to keep ticks away.

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