You Must Know When You Need to Replace Your Car's Tyres

Posted by Sumit Das
Feb 6, 2023

Drivers often neglect the tyres. After all, the tyre's daily performance is hardly affected by any issue in the tyre until it becomes worse. However, one of the grave mistakes made by a driver is neglecting the tyres of a car. This is because it is the only way to make the car roll on the road and not let it get diverted.


These indicators will let you know whether it is the time for a tyre replacement with new car tyres coventry.


Depth of Tread


You must replace the tyre immediately if your tyres get bald! A considerable role is played by the tread of a tyre in safety and performance. Tyres having hugely worn treads will not function as designed. The bald tyres effect is even more evident in the wet conditions, as they won’t displace the water on the road efficiently.


You can identify the tyres that are worn heavily at a glance, but a tread depth gauge is essential to measure the tyre’s tread depth. 7mm to 9mm is the depth of tread in most new tyres, and 1.6mm is the minimum legal depth of tread.


The tyre tread wearing must be checked for the entire tyre as irregular wearing at the external and internal tyre edge can be caused by alignment issues.


Age of the tyre


Rubber is the primary compound of a tyre and rubber degrades with time naturally.


The elasticity of the compound is lost, and it gets hardened with an increase in its age. However, the manner of storing a tyre determines the rate of its deterioration. It is determined by knowing whether the tyre has been kept in the proper conditions like minimal exposure to sunlight, low humidity, and correct temperature. New tyres have a shelf life of up to five years. Professional tyre shops know the manner of storing tyres very well, and hence, you need not worry if you are buying tyres from a reliable tyre shop.


As recommended by many auto experts, the tyre must be changed after the use of at least six years from its manufacturing date. You can check a tyre's manufacturing date from the sidewall containing a four-digit code stamped on it, which will let you know the manufacturing date.


Performance of Tyre


Unlike before, your tyres don’t offer reliable grip anymore now. This may be because your car tyre’s performance characteristics have deteriorated and need to be replaced by a new set. Worn and old tyres won’t offer a good grip as fresh tyres as they get damaged and hardened with time. You must refer to the tyre size guide while fitting new tyres.


Excessive road noise is produced by some tyres when they are on the verge of expiring or wearing. Even if you cannot perform a regular inspection of your car tyres, you should at least pay attention to the tyres when their performance deteriorates drastically, or their road-gripping capacity decreases.


Tyre Damage


Irrespective of its age or condition, damage may occur in the tyres. Cracks like certain types of punctures can be repaired, but damages to the sidewall can’t be fixed.


Deterioration of the tyre sidewall may occur if you overload the car and drive your vehicle with under-inflated tyres. Other things that damage the tyre are hitting the kerb or a huge pothole.

Damaged tyres such as those with cracked or bulged sidewalls must be replaced immediately.

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