Wordpress Plugins - 4 Essential Plugins For Your Blog
By [https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Paul_Delves/172177]Paul Delves
With over 7800 free Wordpress plugins listed on the official Wordpress.org site it is easy to be confused.
Which ones do you need?
If you install too many it will slow down the loading time of your site
and result in people not bothering to wait around for your pages to appear. Here are 5 plugins that are essential for your blog.
The Akismet plugin actually comes standard with your Wordpress installation. You will need to create an
account at Wordpress.com to get an API key to make it work.
This plugin does an excellent job of keeping spam comments away. Akismet is intelligent and it learns from you over time. A very useful plugin.
All in One SEO Pack
Optimizing your site with this plugin is essential for achieving high search engine rankings. It is simple to setup and a popular plugin. Even for complete novices
the All In One SEO pack
makes the search engine optimization of your blog a cinch. For each page and post it allows you to create a title, description and keywords.
Google XML Sitemaps
This plugin automatically generates an XML sitemap which helps the search engines to better index your blog. Sitemaps make it much easier for the search engine spiders to follow the structure of a web site and therefore index it more thoroughly. Everytime you add a new page or post to your blog it can automatically notify the major search engines.
Backing up your blog is vital. WP-DBManager allows you to backup your database and additionally optimize and repair it.
A useful feature is the automatic scheduling option for those of us who are a bit forgetful when it comes to making backups.
So there are the 4 essential Wordpress plugins for your blog.
Links to popular Wordpress templates and plugins at Instantinfopreneur.com [http://www.instantinfopreneur.com].
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Wordpress-Plugins---4-Essential-Plugins-For-Your-Blog&id=3510637]
Wordpress Plugins - 4 Essential Plugins For Your Blog
With over 7800 free Wordpress plugins listed on the official Wordpress.org site it is easy to be confused.
Which ones do you need?
If you install too many it will slow down the loading time of your site
and result in people not bothering to wait around for your pages to appear.
Wordpress.com is free ! Blog
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Wordpress Plugins - 4 Essential Plugins For Your Blog -
wordpress com is free blog,
which ones do you need,
free wordpress plugins,
article source ezinearticles,
wp dbmanager backup your database,
google xml sitemaps major search engines,
akismet keeping spam comments away,
all in one seo pack optimizing your site,