Word of Mouth Promotion and Advertising Agencies

Posted by Re Beka
Feb 23, 2016

Is word of mouth a better form of advertising? Of course it is.

However, one must not underestimate the benefits of advertising. Word of mouth is infinitely a far popular and more trustworthy source for any brand and is always the final stage for any advertising to prove successful. A few of the simple reasons why word of mouth promotion fares better than ordinary advertising are as follows:


Word of mouth promotions brings with it the simple and undeniable leverage of having trustworthy people testify about the brand/ person or product; this in itself lifts the credibility and sale value. Since advertising agencies are a bought form of media, its registered in the minds of the audiences as a fickle source for recommendation as compared to testimonies from a friend.

Better target

The spread of word through word of mouth is far more focused, as people only talk to another about something they think interests them, or is of use to the other. This ensures the right spread of information and definite conversion of potential customers into consumers.

But to say this is the best form of promotions, might be stretching the effects a bit. Here are a few reasons why advertising agencies more than make up for their shortcomings:


Word of mouth, despite its effectiveness falls short when it comes to making things viral; it is quite slow in reaching the desired speed to generate enough sales. Advertising ensures a mass communication of information and ensures a registered stimulus. With the use of right media, the communication can achieve desired responses and even manage to entertain the audiences while maintain the curiosity of the potential audiences.


Its spontaneity and ability to target different mediums simultaneously achieves a larger reception and  conveys information far more effectively as compared to word of mouth. The communication through word of mouth remains a bit elusive as people talk differently and might miss out on the most important aspect of the communication. This is totally eliminated when it comes to advertising agencies doing promotions, it is of prime importance to convey the right message and make people aware of the benefits.


But after all this, advertising will lose its effectiveness if it fails to generate a talk and thus word of mouth is the final aim for any form of advertising for a brand to sustain its popularity.
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